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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest
    Oh well I enjoyed the freebie while it lasted. My only complaint right now is I logged back on after about an hour from a previous save where i had about 15mil to the dismay of now being negative 30mil and have to work back up to 0. lol, kind of weird and annoying but whatever.

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    Heh, the timing of the maintenance effectively cost me an amrita.

    Do a bunch of 500 runs in the evening, when it gets late, exit out. In the morning, log on, use the money from overnight to get nymphs that'll get me to 1k no sweat while I'm at work.

    Maintenance covered my morning quick log-in time. Doing a mess of 500 runs is still probably more important than chasing Amrita's at the stage I'm at, seeing as it slows way down after 500. Though admittedly with the gold boost off the table that may no longer be true. I'll have to think about that. Unlock as much as I can before my current boost runs out and I (probably) stop playing.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    So, just to recap:
    1. Bug Riddled on launch, with new ones sneaking into releases. The latest being the -negative offline gold income.
    2. Clicker game where the clicking portion is pointless due to hilariously low click damage upgrades for the hero.
    3. Also hilariously low income from monster drops, forcing either a looooong FTP slog or the dropping of $20 (Huge price hike for a clicker) for the 1000% gold boost. Huh, how convenient. /s
    4. Resets, a common factor in idle games, do not significantly improve future runs. They merely serve as a way to gain RNG shards for furry art.
    5. Game bleeds memory like a faucet. Unity ftw. Idling is painful for some machines.

    I don't know who the devs are or if they have other games out there but I believe they approached launch with the wrong idea in mind. There is no gameplay unless you consider min-maxing characters in an excel spreadsheet worth $20, as playing purely FTP is going to be a long and painful slog. Clicking is broken. Half the hero abilities are broken/pointless. The passive items seem to be pointless. The gold drops are too low to support deep runs without a coin bonus. The super nymph abilities are unbalanced. In fact, I'd say most of the game in unbalanced and it's designed that way to get money out of players.

    Which would be fine, if there was any fun to it. None of the scenes I've unlocked so far are all that...good?

    Compared to some of the other games out there (such as Crystal Maidens, Armor Blitz, FKG), this really doesn't look worth the time

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    1. Didn't really notice it all that many bugs on launch, I only saw 2 serious bugs: fantasy shards not dopping from shardkeepers, and it crashed sometime while I was at work (after getting to lvl 1030ish, so didn't really care) Pretty much everything in the patch notes are exploit fixes.
    2. I suspect the negative gold is just a 1 time hiccup. The patch notes said it's switching from using a client side timestamp to a server side. So presumably if you were in a later time zone (which is almost certainly true for everybody in the U.S., assuming the devs really are located on the isle of man) You could very well been logged out for "negative time". Sure, it would have been nice if they caught that, but considering how often you restart in this game, negative money shouldn't affect you all that much unless you happened to be between 1 and 100 when it happened.
    3. Do people really ever kill their mice by actually clicking in games like this? Can't imagine actually doing that, I assume people either ignore the option or have a mouse that lets them build a macro. This puts everybody at a level playing field.

    Devs also did Shards of Eradine. (which I presume uses all the same H art) and is *far* more of an actual game. (I haven't gotten far enough in the two games to verify that) I vaguely seem to remember that when taps was first announced, they basically said it was going to just be something they threw together with the assets they had from Shards... Which makes it lame since, from what I remember, Shards has been obtainable for less than the $20 you now have to pay to pretty much be able to play Taps. (and, as I said, is an actual real game) (It'd be nice if they somehow, at least, gave those who actually bought Shards the ability to buy gold boosts with hearts in Taps.)

  5. #5
    Underdog Guest
    I haven't noticed a single orb since the patch, so whether or not they drop boosters is irrelevant. (not that I got 'em all that often beforehand. I "play" the game on my second monitor, so it's not like I'm all that likely to notice them in the first place)
    I would have no problem with a change like getting Coin Booster only from Orbs for "free" IF they actually have the same spawn rate as before:

    On a Run to 1000 i got before the Patch arround 20-25 Orbs(even for that long time, it a bit less)
    But now it's like getting only 5 at max (i keep my coins in the mail system until i reset)

    So basicly everything is real money only, and the "nice" option for free Coin Boosters are a farce.

    The end of this is: ppl get extremy forced to buy the starter pack, because without a coin booster, it takes forever to make at least one run to 500 or 1000 and im at that point, i nearly only need amrita, they even didn't think about it, what we will do with al that shards if an Element is fully upgraded like fire. (i have now 21 useless shards untill maybe new Mons are coming)

    I don't play the Game after my booster runs out, because then you play very long until a booster drops(and i think that will be not a 7 day booster at all) until i "can normaly play" like before.

    Oh and btw: because the Orbs are more rare now, it slows down the start of an reset and forget about getting tickets. This "Update" is a nightmare and because im a F2P Gamer, im out... (the only good thing left of this game is the cute pixel animation for attacks and some cute Artstyle before it starts to get "hentai")

    Balance ideas?
    -Bring back the Orb spawn rate as before
    -Reduce the Hearts Droprate of Super Bosses from 100% to 50% OR remove hearts drop from Orbs (if the spawn rate is increased)
    -Let us buy Coin Boosters with hearts

    It's a different to "work" for progress, as to get forced only to pay until you can play. Sure i say the Heart droprate was a bit high, after getting the 4. Nymph Slot, but reducing the use of hearts to nealy zero and slow down the coin rate for F2P player is just: "pay or go" so i go until fair changes happen.

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest
    Thing is.

    As a free player the devs have absolutely no reason to care if you're out. If you aren't going to play, you're just using up server cycles that could be put into making a paying players game more responsive.

    So yes, it does seem that with the current drop balance it essentially becomes buy to play after a certain point. So what? That's the way they want to go, fine. Tons of games are buy to play. Some $20 games are probably even worse.

    There is absolutely NOTHING unfair with the devs deciding, Hey, if you want to actually have FUN playing our game, you have to pay. If anything that IS fair. You want to enjoy the fruits of their work? Pay 'em.

    All that said, I'm of the opinion they've "shot themselves in the foot" with the AMOUNT of payment they are requesting. IMO the game simply isn't $20 good, and I expect if they put their purchase price lower they'd actually get more money. Who knows though, maybe they're planning on other ways to enable boosters for hearts that are more reasonable for the quality of the game.

  7. #7
    Teladis Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Thing is.

    As a free player the devs have absolutely no reason to care if you're out. If you aren't going to play, you're just using up server cycles that could be put into making a paying players game more responsive.

    So yes, it does seem that with the current drop balance it essentially becomes buy to play after a certain point. So what? That's the way they want to go, fine. Tons of games are buy to play. Some $20 games are probably even worse.

    There is absolutely NOTHING unfair with the devs deciding, Hey, if you want to actually have FUN playing our game, you have to pay. If anything that IS fair. You want to enjoy the fruits of their work? Pay 'em.

    All that said, I'm of the opinion they've "shot themselves in the foot" with the AMOUNT of payment they are requesting. IMO the game simply isn't $20 good, and I expect if they put their purchase price lower they'd actually get more money. Who knows though, maybe they're planning on other ways to enable boosters for hearts that are more reasonable for the quality of the game.

    I agree it is not unfair, but lets be real here. The mistakes and even the art is not worth a 20 dollar price tag.

    I just fully unlock Snow fox, and let me tell me it was not worth the trouble. I did not feel rewarded for it.

    So unfair? Nope, but we can tell what this game really is. A way to get a sucker to give them quick cash on a poorly done clicker. The fact that this game is on Nutaku they should feel ashamed with such a poor quality game. They can do what they want, but I wanted the game to be fun, and i wanted to spend cash on it. I refuse to now.

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