So, just to recap:
  1. Bug Riddled on launch, with new ones sneaking into releases. The latest being the -negative offline gold income.
  2. Clicker game where the clicking portion is pointless due to hilariously low click damage upgrades for the hero.
  3. Also hilariously low income from monster drops, forcing either a looooong FTP slog or the dropping of $20 (Huge price hike for a clicker) for the 1000% gold boost. Huh, how convenient. /s
  4. Resets, a common factor in idle games, do not significantly improve future runs. They merely serve as a way to gain RNG shards for furry art.
  5. Game bleeds memory like a faucet. Unity ftw. Idling is painful for some machines.

I don't know who the devs are or if they have other games out there but I believe they approached launch with the wrong idea in mind. There is no gameplay unless you consider min-maxing characters in an excel spreadsheet worth $20, as playing purely FTP is going to be a long and painful slog. Clicking is broken. Half the hero abilities are broken/pointless. The passive items seem to be pointless. The gold drops are too low to support deep runs without a coin bonus. The super nymph abilities are unbalanced. In fact, I'd say most of the game in unbalanced and it's designed that way to get money out of players.

Which would be fine, if there was any fun to it. None of the scenes I've unlocked so far are all that...good?

Compared to some of the other games out there (such as Crystal Maidens, Armor Blitz, FKG), this really doesn't look worth the time