but Attack on Moe H have at least one big flaw: Heroes can die and it depends on what Artefact on woth Level you can, it can take 12-24h until your died hero is back to live. How they die? If they need to long to beat a Boss.

So for me, AoMH was never realy an Idle Game, because if you try to go idle, your heroes die one by one untill your dps is destroy and you stay there with an cd.

Reseting the Game? Is maybe a good idea, but if only 1 hero is dead, you get only half of the rewards for reset. (and more over the active events was the reason i quit, because i don't want to sit 24/7 to collect rare drops and be carefull that my heroes stay alive)

If ToE would have this dying feature, you will hate the Game for sure