This game suffers from the same problem as any other similar game on nutaku. Overall greediness of devs... 90% of stuff either behind paywall of extreme grind. I spend like 10 minutes constantly clicking like an idiot on that cat jump game and it nets me 90 coins or so? I cant buy shit for that amount, well maybe 1-2 shitty things and I can start again. Too bad it has cd.
Inneficiency of energy.. I have 20 energy but cant do something which costs 15 because girl is too tired.. BS
Also as usual in these games. The cost of various currencies in game is to high for too little. You would need to spend hundreds of dollars to at least get enough to actually get something done with it.

Most of the mini games are unplayable... Cat is decent but boring, spiral could be decent as well once you grasp the proper timing for that gap + obstacle right behind it kind of trap.
Snake, the game goes too fast, same goes for that gravity thing, you dont even have enough time to properly analyze the terrain to make decisions before you need to switch 3 times to avoid crashing.
Line breaker lets say playable.
And the last one sucks...

Overall some of the games need slowing down or much less difficult terrain.
The coin reward needs to be higher as well. 10 minutes of clicking like an idiot should net me at least 200-300 not 90.
And the lust thingy to unlock new clothes and furniture. Well unless you can get it for some quests later it is pretty much just another spend $$$ on gacha or get out...

Is it really so hard to make decent economy model?
Vip either much higher bonus or half the price and ppl might buy it.
Currency as well 100 diamonds for 400 coins? More like 4000+ and ppl might consider it.
5 bucks for 100 diamonds and 250 lust dust? Well maybe if you could get ten times as much for both diamonds and lust dust otherwise, 10 times as much as well for the same price.
Right now the only people who might spend are those whales who just toss 500+ bucks on any game just to try it and more later if they find it enjoyable. This is not really a way how you get a proper player base and masses to like your game...