Ke10133344 ref. code
Ke10133344 ref. code
Anyone know what the meaning of the number in CRI stats ? i don't know if i have high or low chance to make a critical strike, for exemple my best character have 608 CRI it is high or low, And what's the percentage equivalent to make a critical hit (exemple: 608= 2% or 25%... ?)
It both increases your own crit rate and decreases the crit rate of whoever is attacking you. I've been told that 100 CRI basically makes a 10% difference in crit rate, though I have not attempted to independently verify that.
Some characters naturally have much higher CRI than others. Some can easily end up with CRI around 2500, while others won't go far over 1000 unless you go out of your way to stack a bunch of CRI random stats on gear.
Hi, how many characters shards a girl needs at each level to reach 7 stars ?
If anyone could my invite code help us both out sN30139788
When I try to start the game I get a message: "Data exists in account" and thats it...
I can't proceed any further. It worked all well 3 hours ago.
Anybody an idea what could have caused this message?
raids are not working for me :l