Quote Originally Posted by Himito View Post
Well, hello and welcome to the game.

First off all - in theory it is possible to get all characters without paying (some characters are limited and you can only get them via events). All characters unlock there H-Scene between Level 25 and 35 which is pretty easy to level once you get far enough. 3-star characters unlock their second scene at 5-stars which is difficult with f2p but not impossbile.
There are weekly events provided that let's you gather shards for them, too. Just keep one thing in mind: you can theoretically reach everything without paying any money, but it will take a very long time, patience and luck to achieve it.

As for Claire: every character is worth leveling. Your first character will be the best suited anyway and in the beginning it doesn't really matter.
And since Claire is one of the few healer types, you are up for a good start.

If you are looking for a league, I happen to be currently in charge of one. League-Name: Plebs, League-ID:1015
You need to be rank 20 of course (so you can apply to leagues). Just write me a short message ingame that I know your Name.
My Name is the same ingame as in this forum.

Have Fun
thats cool man, i already got a guild and now im at rank 35, im on server 1 isabelle and my IGN is kontoru

i already leveled my claire to 50 and equipped fullset of purple stalwart mage set, now i am focusing on naladia and charrodi since their shards are easy to farm, i wonder is it any different in joining high ranked league/ low rank league since i think league dont have much part on this game, please correct me if im wrong thanks