New game that just got posted and I didn't see a discussion thread for it yet.
I like the idea of making it PvP based but at the same time it honestly is executed rather poorly.
The game advertises itself as being very casual but it feels basically impossible to progress in the game without paying (and this is after reaching the 3rd city, 1st is a tutorial)
Because players are constantly rolling and potentially stealing your money, you can spend 5 minutes rolling to get the money you need for an upgrade and within seconds have ALL of it taken away.
I had the same person steal 460k funds from me twice in a row with 15 seconds, so I went from 800k to 0 instantly. The only real way you can make money besides buying it is getting VERY lucky and getting a GoldenSpy on someone who themselves has managed to accumulate a crap ton of money.
Game also offers and starter pack thing to buy for Nutaku Gold that gives 10 million funds... but to me thats a complete waste if players can steal that from you within minutes. I couldn't even find myself able to read through the story because I'm in too much of a panic that my money gets stolen while I'm watching cutscenes.
So yeah... Not a great first impression of this game so far.