Quote Originally Posted by Hentaika View Post
It's essentially a new 'Narborion'... Seems like they decided to go for a 'anime' styled art instead since it sells better....

Essentially same story and same combat system...

So compared to Narborion:

I liked the setting better in narborion... the 'darker' theme certainly suited the game... and despite the art being not for everyone, at least it was pretty unique... and tbh the art was pretty damn good, but many would disagree since they simply didn't like the style... but it was more detailed than most nutaku games even if not as 'pretty' as other games.
Now the art is a 'cheap anime style' that thousands of games have and have it at better quality...

The gameplay - essentially the same combat wise, it's really pretty much a 1:1 copy with almost nothing new added to it.... isn't bad per se... but combat was one of the weakest points in the game despite being interesting and unique it suffers from HEAVY balance issues that carried over from prev game.

Progression - narborion had a pretty forgiving progression for f2p.... this one... completely terrible AP move on map system, the map system itself is a new thing and it's utterly buggy, laggy and just a bad addition overall right now.

It's still early access... but so far it looks absolutely terrible... I was actually one of the people who could still suggest playing Narborion at least a little, the setting and plot was pretty enjoyable.
This one on the other hand has no redeeming features... it took all the terrible things Narborion had and mixed it with new bad features....
I tried to play it but it's just too boring a genre for me. This is going to flop hard