Changelog V 1.0.6 (Mar 1, 2019)
1. Add Endless Mode Event
2. Add 4x speed in battle
3. Add page Up& Page Down button in level map

1. Change description in Academy system
2. Change the slots into gems: 700 for 2nd slot and 1000 for 3rd slot.
3. Not showing the 3rd slot price unless player unlock the 2nd slot.
4. Reduce 5 seconds waiting time during each turn in endless mode

Fix Bugs:
1. Can't see my current rank on Endlessboard
2. Wrong resource data at the end of month(9999999 coins and gems)

Well, they fixed it: 2. Change the slots into gems: 700 for 2nd slot and 1000 for 3rd slot.

Gotta say well done to them. You can currently get everything as a free player. Guess my pessimism was wrong in the end.