Among other things, that is something that should be changed.

The prize for a dimensional chest of top tier is several hundred rubies. And you get offered dimensional chests at increasing rate with higher lvl.

Currently I am farming ice cream and even with that low lvl, the top ice cream is like 50 rubies and I have literally (!) hundreds of those chests on the board. Basically for every 5merge that results in the top 3 ice creams, there is one, often two chests.

A button to cash/trash all dimensional chests would be nice. Or for puzzle areas an option to deactivate them. Or make them appear in a pull down menu.

Likewise the empty bubble for a chain merge. What is that good for? Anyone found out? I do not remember it being explained in the tutorial.


A mechanic tipp for merging. You can drop of items outside the playing field. They drop down on the nearest free square in a line from drop point, with decreased accuracy for corners. If you collect items near the edges that decreases accidental merges, bc such a dropped item does not cause a merge.

And there is a trick to put an item into a bubble. Make the field full, try to harvest and lift the item up and drop it, when field is full. Works better with multisquare items. This way I cleard all the event area from harvesting items, except ice cream, so the nymphs do not harvest crap while I do not pay attention.