Edit to above: I just think this Game need more options for the player. Like choosing if the nymph should farm and loot on there own or not. Or if they only farm a specific item.

Maybe this is something the developers don't want, because then ppl have to play the game and keep track what the nymphs do and clean all the "mess", but after playing the Game for a longer time now, it feels way more work then playing. Focusing on things is one thing, but if you have to "clean no needed items" all the time, it stops making fun.

And yes i know that if you have less Houses for the nymphs, you have not many flying around, but even if you have only one house, you will have later over 100 of nymphs flying around and try to give them all a "work" to do before they start "playing" with other items.

I don't want to change the game into "automatic", but some sort of balance on your map, so it don't starts to get anoing to play, because things happen, you don't want to happen.