Quote Originally Posted by pcid93 View Post
Same quality and frequency as DT:M. Hard to unlock and the scenes themselves aren't that great. I'd have to say DT:M is actually better in this case because the DS ones have even less variety(both scenes for one card have the same pose, but one has less clothes..).

Personally I prefer DT:M's card battle setup more, but I like DS's UI more. DS is newer so it makes sense that the UI is better I guess.

Edit: Also I noticed that the sound quality is a lot worse in DS, not sure if it's just me(no other game I play is affected). Maybe it's just the BGM that's bad..idk. All I know is that it's certainly not my hardware.

Edit 2: There's no guilds(so far) in this game as well. That's a big difference from DT:M.

Edit 3: After checking the DMM/jp version, there actually will be both raid bosses and guilds in the future. So yes it is essentially a dumbed down DT:M
yeah BGM is crap. not sure if they're trying to have a smaller file sizes. but those media files are junk.