Quote Originally Posted by A Time to Screw View Post
Anyone got tips on what to focus on when raising characters? Should I prioritize levels or skills slots? Should I just throw all my N card fodder onto my main cards, or should I try and unlock the fourth skills slots by combining some N cards until they have 3 skill slots and try for a 20% chance fusion for the fourth slot?
Should I stop being frugal and just use my Sea Fairy jars on SRs that have 3 skill slots already?
I'm guessing you started recently and wasn't around last raid event. During those events fusion Kirins and Sea Fairies are plenty since every time you beat a boss you get a prize for discovering, one for partecipating, one for MVP and one for last hit. And you're gonna beat lots... After that event I had over 300 Kirins and 40 Sea Fairies left unused because I already had raised every card to max.
So definitely stop being frugal with your Fairies.

During this event on the other hand is harder to level characters. But I don't think fusing N cards for slots is worth your time. You need in average 4 cards to get a 2-slots (one base and 3 fused) and 16 to get a 3-slots. If you just fused those 16 to your 3-slot you'd have 15% of unlocking the fourth anyway.