Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'm guessing you started recently and wasn't around last raid event.
Yup, I literally started a couple or so days ago right as February ended after all those delicious freebies were apparently being distributed. Wonderful timing, right? I was busy playing Hitsuji until the bad news about JPN version being shut down killing a lot of my motivation, so then I decided to give this game a try.

So it's no surprise that I can't do well in this new event. That's just the way it goes, I suppose.

I was thinking of saving my fairies and other fusion cards for when I found a character I really liked and wanted to use. But at this rate I won't be powerful enough to keep up. It's interesting to hear about how the last raid gave so much. But I'm not sure if future raids will be as generous, much less as newbie friendly.

Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
But I don't think fusing N cards for slots is worth your time.
Yeah that makes sense. But my characters aren't max level yet, so I should just keep fusing N fodder until they are max? I also still have a ton of those SR fairies left.

A few more questions:
What should I spend my rare coins on? My gut feeling says that things like increasing maximum card storage are more worth it in the long run, but I'm tempted to purchase a couple of a story campaign character to get another unit that's fully awakened. Are any of the story characters worth awakening? I think some R cards can turn into SR cards via evolution, right?

Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
3) Also obvious, you want 4 skills on every card to have 100% skill rate because basic attack sucks. Since awake skills are useful, before fusing a copy of a SR/UR you want to level it to the max so you can transfer the awake skill (Except maybe buff skills). You want to hit fast and hard so the best skills are the 4 - 5 targets ones like those of Fenrir/Singha/Pramzius etc
Fusing for skill inheritance also kind of frustrates me a bit because if you're unlucky and didn't unlock enough slots by the time you reach the skill awakening level you might have to sacrifice your initial high rank skill, which i would imagine is tough to regain. In a sense, you're gimped and it's a huge noob trap to any newbie who immediately fuses any duplicates.