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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    50th State

    Hello to the new member: Hornyg4mer

    Hello to everyone!

    I probably should have posted here first, but all the other wiki/ forum topics are so distracting.

    My name is Kama, but my gamer tag is Hornyg4mer. More on why i picked that name a bit later...

    I am a 20+ yr old student at a University, studying to be a teacher. I also work part time as a teacher after school hours, teaching elementary children different topics.

    Back to about me, I enjoy playing all sorts of games. If i am not tweaking out on my Xbox 1 or playing cards, I'm playing computer games. For those that know about game systems, I am a achievement/ trophy collector (playing games to get the digital awards). My gamer tag is different from the current one because Hornyg4mer is only for adult games (ones i don't want my friends to know i play).

    I am also currently learning more about adobe flash to create my own adult flash games. Keep an eye out for those games, because i will definitely want to be bragging about those.

    Anyway, not much more you need to know about me. I enjoy helping by either answering questions or updating the wikis on this site. Hope to get along and make some friends *that are active*.

    Pm more personal questions, although i don't know why you would want to know more.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Hey, welcome!

    I know what you mean, I also have a separated nicknames for this kind of games (the one I'm using here), totally unrelated to my actual one.
    Anyways, let us know when you get your games ready!
    LoV ID: Danex (RIP LoV)
    PPS ID: 574023 (Dropped)
    Currently Playing: MWA

    My signature :3 Newbie stuff, don't kill me :c

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    50th State
    Lol i have been playing these games for the past 3 months. I only now joined this forum because i just recently found it.

    I dont usually cheat, so i haven't been looking for wiki info or forums. I found this site when i was looking for the everlasting summer walkthroughs. As far as playing Nutaku, i am currently playing each game. I already take a few minutes to log into each game.

    Good luck and hope to bump into you more

  4. #4
    Talk about shameless move. Why create a thread just to introduce yourself? Are you trying to waste everyone's time by reading a pointless thread.
    Remember to add my ID VHMAJT in the friends/teacher tab after reaching rank 3 for an epic chest and some in game help. You can also find me on the game's discord https://discord.gg/44XRMKs at spade#spadeiscoolerthanyouare

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