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Thread: Harem Heroes

  1. #1741
    Unregistered Guest
    To win in Arena and Leagues, you need to max your stats.

    The most important thing to max is the counting stats next to your name on the market screen. So many players dont do this. Then, max your gear. Purple Gear is max gear and you get it from Epic Pachiinko (or koban bought Pachinkos). You want Single Stat gear that matches your affliation. (if you are hardcore, get hardcore gear). Super Sexy / multi stat gear is good too if you can get that, even though orange single stat gear is about even or very slightly better. Purple Gear is better than other gear for about 30-40 levels. So that's how often it needs to be replaced.

    If you are Low level, Pachinko *10 is insanely good. The legendary piece of Equipment is worth more than the price of the Pachinko, and you could get (RNG) expensive money saving upgrade items.

    The least important thing is the stats of your Alpha (and beta) girls. Your third girl rarely factors into the battle and you can use that slot to train your harem. A five star legendary girl is worth about 8 levels worth of stats over a Starter Girl. That's nothing if your gear and bought stats are not up to date. Nonethleless, You will eventually need to get a 5 star legendary girl as your alpha. Hoard at least 600 kobans for refills so when legendary days pops, you are assured to get the girl. However, until you get the 5 star alpha girl, the differences between even legendary three star regular Event and Pachinko girls and common 5 star Free girls is minor/meaningless. (Example, if you are Hardcore, you will get Bunny and Fairy for free relatively quickly and both are about as good as/better than much more expensive girls). Don't break the bank spending money on the wrong things like upgrading expensive girls that will not be your alpha in the endgame.

  2. #1742
    Brazuca 55 Guest

    Aos Brazucas

    Olá Brasileirs, Brazucas

    Vamos nos organizar no servidor Brasileiro de discord:


  3. #1743
    Unregistered Guest
    Dear developer,

    Please fix your trashy affection system... No one will ever get anything out of this game if it continues like this, unless they spend a crap ton of money on it. With old system at least MAYBE you could get a girl, now it's out of the question. I get that legendary/epic girls in events are harder to get and you need to get lucky if you play F2P, but this is ridiculous. Not even the common girls from the adventure is a fair chance to get, I spent over 3 WEEKS trying to get a common girl (ANY) from the adventure story in Magic Forest, and I'm quitting the game now... I'm not even 50% through with ANY of the girls from that adventure story... Thanks for ruining an otherwise fun experience prior to the new affection system update - you really fucked yourself and everybody playing this game over... I hope you at least have a few whales you can milk for money and who can't stop playing and spending money... Nobody will ever wanna actually start playing this game.

    Sad to see since was favourite game on Nutaku, but now it's by far the worst game out there..

    Anyway, hope you enjoy fucking up this game even more idiot devs.

    Good day

  4. #1744
    TDebiase Guest

    The game is no good anymore.

    The price of the girls is actually higher than picking up the phone and calling a hooker.
    Not kidding you.

    You need between 2500-3500 fists to get one girl. I ran the probabilities.

    300 fists are on sale right now for $20 USD.

    You can actually get a hooker for $200 USD. A decent one too. Maybe not for 6 hours but whatever.

    This game is not good considering this.

  5. #1745
    Unregistered Guest
    The new artstyle is horrible. Some girls in the current event look so skinny, I'm starting to suspect the new artist has anorexia fetish.

  6. #1746

    Join Date
    May 2023
    I saw that on this site you can look on the girls each star how they look like,are there affection scenes for each one of them?I can't find it?

  7. #1747
    I've been playing for a 2 years and it has changed a lot, but once you get into it it it can be very fun and addicting

  8. #1748
    Is it me or the new affection scene are all the same for the new girls? For five affection scene, there is only 2 or 3 of the five ( for the epic girls) that are different.

  9. #1749

    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    can't think of a joke location
    Test test test

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