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"Test yourself against the Sex Champions!"
Champions are an advanced form of world trolls accessed from the main menu that are more difficult in nature and battle by a different means than normal. Beating them can reward you with a number of different prizes. They become available once you have obtained 10 guys and have finished the scroll "Evil laboratory" in world 3, Ninja Village.

Morning Wood House
Pride Mansion
Beyond Garden
Elites University
Visor's Home
Sky Harbor

Tickets are used to initiate battles against Champions. It costs 1 ticket to perform 1 fight against a Champion. You can perform multiple fights at once if you have enough tickets but it will cost 6 kobans per additional fight. Tickets can be won through contests, daily missions, or battling world trolls. They do not appear through these methods until you have obtained 15 guys for your harem. Alternatively, you can also purchase tickets from the Reception Desk within the Champion menu at a cost of 1 ticket for 60 energy or 60 kobans, or 10 tickets for 570 kobans.

A Champion round is made up of 5 battling stages and the Champion has a different form for each stage. Each win will make the next stage a little tougher. Once you complete the 5th stage of a round, the Champion will reset to their first form but get stronger. Champions are fought in a set order where after beating a full round of one, you will unlock access to the next.

When starting a stage, 10 of your guys will randomly be selected to battle against the Champion. You can change the order of these guys by clicking and dragging one over another to have them switch places. You can also change which guys are selected by re-drafting the guys. When drafting a new selection, you can keep up to 5 guys from the previous draft by clicking on them before drafting the new selection.

You get a number of free drafts determined by the number of guys in your harem divided by 10, then rounded down. After using all your free drafts, subsequent drafts will cost 6 kobans. Winning the battle will refresh the number of free drafts available while losing a battle will retain your current draft of guys.

Combat here works a bit differently than normal. For each round of combat, one of your guys then your opponents each deal one attack, then your guy moves to the back of the line and your next one steps up to repeat the process until one side wins. Rather than working to deplete the Champion's ego like normal, you instead work to "impress" them where each attack adds points to raise their impression. The battle ends when your ego drops to 0 or you fill the Champion's impression bar to the required amount.

Upon winning a battle, you must wait 24 hours before you can challenge that specific Champion again. This timer can be avoided by paying 216 kobans for the full 24 hours, or 0.15 kobans per minute for any time less than 24 hours. Losing a battle will require you to wait 15 minutes instead. Losing will retain impression progress for your next attempt, however their impression will lower by 10% of the total impression required for each day that you fail to fully impress them. A timer is shown on the main challenge page to indicate when the impression will lower.

Each stage of battle against a Champion will have the Champion select 5 sexual positions when you first start the stage. These will run in order for each round of combat against the Champion with the selection remaining locked until they are defeated, at which point a new selection will appear the next time you confront them. If you match the Champion's position during the round it appears, it will double the amount of impression that guy deals to the Champion.

The positions chosen are selected based on the given Champion's specialty, except for the 5th round in a set which can pull poses from any type. The Champion's types are as follows:
  • Romero: Know-How
  • Wahty: Hardcore
  • Matsuda: Charm
  • Ryu: Charm
  • Visor: Know-How
  • Alban: Hardcore
The 12 different positions are listed below divided by the specialty type they fall under. Every guy in the game has 1 preferred pose that matches with their own specialty.

FistingDoggie StyleMissionaryDolphin
Column69Jack HammerNose Dive
BridgeIndian HeadstandSuspended CongressSplitting Bamboo

Winning stages 1 through 4 will grant one random Legendary equipment piece. Each time you complete the 5th stage of a round, you will win one of the Champion's exclusive rewards. There are 8 of these rewards in total for each Champion, meaning you must complete eight rounds to obtain them all. The rewards are 1 guy, 3 profile outfit parts (1 Head, 1 Outfit, & 1 Item), and 4 profile backgrounds (1 profile theme and 3 Harem backgrounds, 1 for each slot layout) per Champion. Once you have obtained all 8 of these rewards, you will earn 10 Kisses.

If you lose against a Champion, you will be given an amount of cash relative to how much impression you earned in that attempt.
  • Romero: 0.25 cash per point
  • Wahty: 0.31 cash per point
  • Matsuda: 0.39 cash per point
  • Ryu: 0.49 cash per point
  • Visor: 0.61 cash per point
  • Alban: 0.76 cash per point

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