Event: Sexy Calendar

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Sexy Calendar

Sexy Calendar was a form of event originally made to act as a revival for event guys obtained through completing daily missions that normally don't return during revival events. Each round of the event included a small number of guys that were available with some available on trolls and others exclusive to Pachinko.

However, after the introduction of Mythic Pachinko and changes to the event line-up which introduced Orgy Days, the mission reward guys were made more available and the need for this event no longer existed which led to it being discontinued after only 1 run in Gay Harem.

Event Guys:
A list of the guys available during the event and when they were available. Dates displayed go from 5am France time of the starting day to 5am France time of the final day.
Jan 25-30, 2019
Loving TravisDefeat Gruntt in Invaded Kingdom or win in Epic or Event Pachinko.
WilliamDefeat Donatien in Admittance of the Dead or win in Epic or Event Pachinko.
Captain HaremverseWin in Epic or Event Pachinko.
Pilot AustinWin in Epic or Event Pachinko.

Event Background:
During the event, the homescreen's background is changed to fit the theme of the event.

Here you can view the trolls as they appeared during each round of the event.
Jan 2019

In addition to the return of the guys, a set of profile avatars were added of the guys available. These can either be purchased through the profile page or won through Event Pachinko.

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