1. Osawari
  2. Move-Heal

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This page is a chapter in 'Osawari Moves'

Here is a list of Moves and Eromon which can heal themselves or their allies:

NameSecret of the Masochist
Inital Power1500
Max Power
Initial Cost970
Min Cost

TargetAll allies
Inital Power200
Max Power400
Initial Cost310
Min Cost

TargetAll allies
Inital Power500
Max Power700
Initial Cost750
Min Cost700

NameAn Angel on Your SideBring out the BeastDance explosion!Inky Blackness
TargetAll alliesAll alliesAll alliesAll allies
Inital Power600600600600
Max Power
Inital Cost790790790790
Min Cost
NameHealing GemGraceful RoarGuard of the ForestIt's so soft!
TargetAll alliesAll alliesAll alliesAll allies
Inital Power750100010001100
Max Power950
Inital Cost1060129012901540
Min Cost10101490

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