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  2. Boosters

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Boosters are items that temporally increase specific stats for an amount of time.

+1,200 (Ego) for 1 day
+300 (Attack Power) for 1 day
Ginseng Root
+100 +100 +100 for 1 day
+400 (Harmony) for 1 day

Chlorella R
+4,200 (Ego) for 1 day
Cordyceps R
+1,050 (Attack Power) for 1 day
Ginseng Root R
+350 +350 +350 for 1 day
Jujubes R
+1,400 (Harmony) for 1 day

Chlorella E
+14,700 (Ego) for 1 day
Cordyceps E
+3,675 (Attack Power) for 1 day
Ginseng Root E
+1,225 +1,225 +1,225 for 1 day
Jujubes E
+4,900 (Harmony) for 1 day

Chlorella L
+10% (Ego) for 1 day
Cordyceps L
+10% (Attack Power) for 1 day
Ginseng Root L
+6% +6% +6% for 1 day
Jujubes L
+20% (Harmony) for 1 day

Sandalwood Perfume
Get +1 shard every time you win a shard from Villains up to +11.
All Mastery's Emblem
Get +15% Damage when attacking in Leagues and Seasons for the next 100 performances.
Headband of Determination
Get +15% Damage vs Villains and Pantheons for the next 200 performances.
Luxurious Watch
Get +25% Damage vs all Champions for the next 200 performances. (includes Club Champions)
Combative Cinnamon
Get +5 Mojo on a win or lose 0 Mojo on a loss in Seasons for the next 100 performances.
Alban's Travel Memories
Gain +20% XP (+5% if you are above level 300) from all sources up to 100,000 XP.
Angel's Semen Scent
Get +25% power for your guys in Places of Power for the next 60 missions.
Leagues Mastery Emblem
Get +15% Impact when attacking in Leagues for the next 110 performances. Cannot be combined with AME. If one of them is equipped, the other cannot be equipped until the first one is depleted.
Seasons Mastery Emblem
Get +15% Impact when attacking in Seasons for the next 110 performances. Cannot be combined with AME. If one of them is equipped, the other cannot be equipped until the first one is depleted.
Gem Detector
Get +25% more Gems from all sources, up to 500 bonus gems. Count each of the gems inside “All Gems” as single usages – 1 All Gem usage will take 8 usages from the booster. Only deplete usages in multiples of 8: Booster has 10 remaining usages – will receive 1 extra “All gems” and the other 2 usages will not be taken. This means that if 6 gems are left for example, the booster should be depleted on a singular gem source in the game (DM, Pachinko, Villains, etc.)
Regain 15% of the Ego lost at the end of Boss Bang performances for the next 100 performances. Calculated at the end of the battle. For example: if the player would lose 100% of Ego, they lose 85% Ego. If the player loses 0% Ego, no charges will be spent. But if they lose even 1 Ego, it will be applied.
Shiny Aura
Get +25% more points in Contests, up to 100,000 bonus points. This applies to all contests being normal, legendary, or cumback.

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