1. Kanpani
  2. Phantom Labyrinth

A mysterious labyrinth that appeared out of nowhere one day.
Incredibly, the labyrinth itself appears to be ever-changing, morphing, and twisting.
Word has it that at the deepest levels awaits a never before seen, super powerful foe and the greatest of treasures.

  • You can spend gold to take on this challenge.
  • You will earn food as a reward for clearing it.
  • Recommended for employees Lv: 30 to 90
  • Unlocks after completion of Chapter 3.
  • Difficulty changes greatly depending on your choices.
  • Has no tie-in to the story of the main quest.
  • Click for list of labyrinth routes.
  • Known equipment is listed below. All of the weapon and accessories recipes can be found on the easiest route, but at the smallest chance to drop. Armor recipes are found in the red routes.

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