1. Hellfire
  2. Puzzle

Puzzle Pieces

Puzzle pieces refer to the six pieces that a card can be broken into. Collecting all six pieces can earn you a bonus.
Pieces can be obtained by going on missions or by stealing them from others during battle.

The Pieces Screen

Check the pieces you currently have here.
If you click on a displayed piece, you are taken to the battle screen where can fight someone for that piece.

Puzzle Completion

Once you have all the pieces, through missions and battles, you can earn a completion bonus.
This is how you receive your completion bonus.
  • Select Pieces from the menu, and then press the Select button next to the puzzle series whose bonus you want to receive.
  • Press the Receive button for the completion bonus.
  • The received bonus will be sent to your Gift Box.
NOTE: Completion bonuses can be received up to three times for each puzzle series.
NOTE: You will not be able to receive a bonus if you complete a puzzle four or more times.

Puzzle Pieces for Events

Puzzle pieces from Raid events have a limited period for their use. Once that time is up, they disappear.
NOTE: See the Cautions under Event Information for more on the limited period of event puzzle pieces.

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