Quote Originally Posted by Zandel View Post
Perhaps if you made an account and logged in to post the mods might think it was worth a sub forum. As it is we have so many Unregistered posts that it's hard to say if you are one lazy person or many. If it's many then we would get our own sub for AB if you all became less lazy.
Hey! I may be lazy, but my reason for not logging in has nothing to do with laziness. I like the freedom to disengage. To evaporate into another name when people get dogged or argumentative.

That said, it does seem to be a fairly small number of frequent posters. Plus I'm not sure how much benefit a dedicated sub forum would be. Most of the game information is handled well enough by the wiki, though some things (like accuracy effecting scouting dps) are non obvious enough that it would be good to have in a sticky. It's definitely a game where a 'new player pitfalls' outline would save trouble.