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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2016

    Knights Quarters - extensive character listings

    Welcome to the

    Knights Quarters

    The intention for this thread is to serve as a complimentary to Wikipedia and FKG Tactica. What you will find here is an extensive and simple listing meant to help you navigate through the FKG characters and their types, skills and abilities during team building.
    Instead of running amok with ctrl+f on the wiki and having to constantly jump from screen to screen, this threads main function is to simplify all of that and keep it all in one place.

    Only Rainbow tier girls will be listed. The listing will be split in between Native 6* and Promoted (Rarity Grown) 6*.

    The following Archtypes lists will be viable:

    Critical, Boss Killers, Debuff, Evasion, Counter, Solar Blast, Defense-Guts, Skill Damage

    Its possible more will be added in the future depending on new mechanics and their prevalence being added to the game.
    A skill only one or two characters have doesn't count as an archetype and as such does not warrant a separate listing

    Each of these will have a list of girls who belong to the archetype. If its a skill that has variable %, those percentage will be also listed.
    Each listing will be composed of 4 parts:

    *Character type: Slash (S.), Blunt (B.), Pierce (P.), Magic (M.)
    *Name of the character: Same as on wiki for quality of life
    *Passive abilities: all abilities listed in a simple order > damage buffs, defense buffs, skill rate, the rest depending on relevance to the listing.
    The prominent skill that serves as a reason for the character to be listed in one or the other particular chart will be highlighted
    *Active skill: Type of attack and damage multiplier.
    Type of attack can be either Single enemy unit, 2 (two) enemy units and AoE (all enemy units).
    X# represents the multiplier itself

    Debuff listing:
    B. Cherry Dmg, Debuff dmg -20%, Boss Fight, Boss 2x3.8

    Boss Killer listing:
    B. Cherry Dmg, Debuff dmg, Boss fight 3# 40%, Boss 3# 18% 2x3.8

    As you can see the numbers % are added only to the skill that is relevant to the listing.
    In the first case the Debuff affects all enemies, thus only the debuff % is written.
    In the second example shown the Boss / Boss Fight buff applies only to limited number of allies. This is denoted by 3# which is the number of allies affected.
    There are also effects that apply only to the girl in question. Those buffs will be labeled as "name of the buff" + "Self"

    This way you can quickly and simply navigate to the numbers you are looking for.

    *It is possible though as the thread will be updated that I might eventually add all the numbers, and just highlight those that are relevant so changes and quality of life updates may happen.

    Shortcuts legend:
    *Some of the shortcuts I use are self explanatory, but some might be a bit tricky to understand. Here is a short summary.

    1st - This ability works only on the First turn
    Self - This ability affects only the character itself not the allies
    Dmg - Damage buff
    Dmg per # - Buff damage depending on # of enemies
    Dmg per spd - Buff damage depending on team Speed
    Dmg end turn - Buff damage at the end of the turn
    Dmg per HP - Buff damage per HP multiplied.
    Dmg per Skill - Buff damage per friendly skill activation. Friti only
    Boss - Damage buff against the Boss only
    Boss Fight - Damage buff against the whole fight where a boss is present
    Skill act - Skill rate buff to Skill activation
    Skill dmg - buff to activated Skills damage
    Crit - Critical hit chance
    Crit dmg - Critical hit damage
    Def - buff to Defense. Usually combined with Guts
    Guts - chance to survive an enemy attack with 1 HP. Usually combined with Def.
    Weak X - Allows to hit Weakness of the specific type of enemy
    Evade - Chance to evade enemy attack
    Counter - Counter attack
    SCounter - Super Counter attack
    Debuff xxx - Debuff enemies. Can either reduce DMG, Skill act of, or cause enemies to Miss.
    Negate - Negates 1 enemy attack
    Heal Self - chance to heal % of HP
    Resurrect - Only Easter Cactus - Resurrects KO allies
    Re-Act - Chance to act again each turn
    Pursuit - Cause extra damage after all units attacked
    Panels / Nodes - changes some of the map panels into special type that heals/buffs
    LG - Light Gauge
    SolarB - Solar Blast

    Please keep in mind that the thread is being updated Irregularly, but it is being updated still.

    Please Read

    *I will be adding one new comment for each new listing to keep them separated and easy to edit. As such please do not post other comments into this thread to keep it clean and easy to navigate through, but feel free to discuss anything - not just content wise, but also errors, updates, or things I have missed in the Chit-Chat thread so I can fix it.

    I cant always keep up with all the updates. Especially ones that are done to older characters.
    If you are someone who has a list of regular updates that happen to characters after each patch, PLEASE do share it with me so I can keep all the abilities and the numbers up to date, as it is impossible for me to run down each character on the Wiki over and over again after every patch trying to fish out all the changes some of which can be minuscule shifts of numbers.

    With the basics covered, below are the listings themselves.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 04-04-2019 at 05:53 AM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2016

    Type Name Abilities Active Skill
    B. Cactus Dmg, Crystal drop, Boss fight, Crit 15%, Crit dmg 50%, Re-Act Single 5x
    P. Ume Dmg, Skill act, LG, Crit 30%, Crit dmg 55% Single 5.4
    S. Chocolate Lily Dmg, Dmg per skill act, Skill act, Crit 30%, Boss Fight AoE 2.9
    B. Peach Blossom Dmg, Def/Guts, Crit 15%,Crit dmg 30%, Boss fight, Boss Single 5-5.4
    P. Anemone Dmg, Def/Guts, Counter, Crit 30%, Crit dmg 40% 3x1.8 + AoE 0.5
    P. Daisy Dmg, Def/Guts, Skill act 1st, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 15% 2x3.6
    B. Hare`s Tail Dmg, Dmg per Speed, Spd+, Re-act 1st, Crit 15%, Crit dmg 25% AoE 2.8
    B. Christmass Rose Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act per Skill lvl, No spd panels, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 20% AoE 2.9
    S. Herbaceous Peony Dmg, Skill act, Evade, Crit 20%, crit dmg 30% AoE 2.8
    S. Acaccia Dmg, Debuff dmg, Crit self 40%, Crit 10%, Crit Dmg 150% Self AoE 2.8
    P. Hollyhock Dmg, Dmg per #, Crystal drop, Skill act 1st, Crit 10%, Crit dmg 40% AoE 2.8
    B. Alstroemeria Dmg, Skill act, Skill dmg, Crit 10% AoE 2
    S. Dusty Miller Dmg, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 40%, Skill act, Boss 3x1.8
    S. Herbaceous Peony (Halloween) Dmg, Dmg end turn, Debuff, Crit 30% AoE 2.8
    P. Loquat Dmg, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 40%, Skill act, Skill dmg AoE 2.8
    S. Purslane Dmg, Self Heal, Evade, Crit 20%, Crit Dmg 40% AoE 2.8
    S. Tall Stewartia (Christmass) Dmg, Dmg per #, Re-Act, Crit 25%, Crit dmg 15%, Crit dmg Self 150% AoE 2.8
    S. Aizoon Stonecrop Dmg, Dmg self, Skill act, Skill dmg, Crit 25% AoE 2.8
    M. Apple (Tanabata) Dmg, Debuff, Re-act, Counter, Crit self 40%, Crit dmg self 40% AoE 2.8
    S. JP Silver Grasss (Swimsuit) Dmg, Dmg per Spd, Speed+, Weak P., Crit 20%, Crit dmg 40% Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    M. Wolf Berry Dmg, Dmg turn end, Negate, Crit 15%, Crit dmg 30% AoE 2.8
    S. Liverworth Dmg, Dmg self, Pursuit, Crit 20%, Crit Dmg 20%, Boss Fight 3x1.8
    M. Streptocarpus Dmg, Skill act if hit, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 40% 3x1.8
    S. Dusty Miller (Christmass) Dmg, Skill act 1st, Skill dmg, Crit self 100% 1st, Crit dmg self 60% Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    B. Wheat Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act 1st, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 30% AoE 2.8
    P. Corn Cockle Dmg, Skill act, Crit self 1st 100%, Crit dmg Self 60%, Boss dmg 3x1.8
    S. Pygmy Water Lily Dmg, Weak B. P. M., Crit 20%, Crit dmg 25% AoE 2.8
    B. Walnut Dmg, Skill act, Skill dmg, Crit 15%, Crit dmg 50% Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    B. Kugaisou Dmg, Skill act, Crit 25%, Crit dmg 35%, Weak P. Single 4.3 Drain
    B. Nipplewort Dmg, Dmg per ally type, Skill act, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 35% AoE 2.8
    B. Dancing Orchid (Valen) Dmg, Skill act, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 45%, Re-act 50% Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    B. Hyacinth Dmg, Boss Dmg, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 30%, Boss, Pursuit Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    S. Yarrow (Prison) Dmg per #, Skill act, Skill dmg (+self), Crit self 50%, Crit dmg self 100% Single 5.4
    M. Tarragon Skill act, Scounter, Def/ Guts, Crit 30%, Crit dmg 50% Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    Last edited by Myrdin; 05-15-2019 at 07:25 AM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2016

    Tier Type Name Abilities Active Skill
    2* S. Mint Dmg, Skill act, Evade, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 30% Single 5.4
    4* S. African Violet Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 35% Single 4.3 Drain
    5* S. Geranium Dmg, Dmg per HP, Crit 15%, Crit dmg 30%, Skill act, Def/Guts Single 4.3 Drain
    5* M. Marvel of Peru Dmg, Def/Guts, Scounter, Debuff dmg, Crit 15%, Crit dmg 40% 2x3.8
    5* M. Tiger Lily Dmg, Skill act, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 30%, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* S. Spring Starflower Dmg, Debuff dmg, Crit 25%, Crit dmg 40% Single 5.4
    5* S. Delphinium (Athletic) Dmg, Crit 30%, Crit dmg 25%, Evade Single 4.3 Drain
    5* S. China Root Dmg, Crit 30%, Crit Dmg 40%, SCounter, Def/ Guts Single 5.4
    5* M. Rainbow Rose Dmg, Dmg per HP, Skill act, Re-act, Crit Self 50%, Crit dmg Self 150% Single 4.3 Drain
    5* B. Plumeria (June Bride) Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Boss Fight, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 25% 2x3.8
    5* B. Henna Dmg, Skill act, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 30%, Evade 2x3.8
    5* S. Easter Cactus (Swimsuit) Dmg, Crit 25%, Crit dmg 30%, Weak B., Boss 3x1.8
    5* S. Statice Dmg per #, Skill act, Crit 20%, Crit dmg 15%, Re-act Single 4.3 Drain
    5* B. Silene Coeli Rosa Dmg, Dmg per HP, Crit 1st guaranteed, Crit 1st dmg 60%, Boss Fight Single 4.3 Drain
    5* P. Beloperone Dmg, Crit 20%, Crit Dmg 30%, Skill act, Skill dmg 3x1.8
    Last edited by Myrdin; 08-22-2018 at 01:58 AM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    May 2016

    Type Name Abilities Active Skill
    B. Cactus Dmg, Crystal drop, Boss fight 10%, Crit, Crit dmg, Re-Act Single 5x
    M. Sakura Dmg, Skill act, Boss Fight 35%, Boss 12% Single 5x.4
    S. Chocolate Lily Dmg, Dmg per skill, Skill act, Crit, Boss Fight 30%, AoE 2.9
    B. Peach Blossom Dmg, Def/Guts, Crit, Crit dmg, Boss fight 20%, Boss 15% Single 5-5.4
    B. Cherry Dmg, Debuff dmg, Boss Fight 40%, Boss 18% 2x3.8
    S. Pink Dmg, Skill act, Heal Node, Boss Fight 20%, Boss 15% 3x2.9
    M. Helenium Dmg, Dmg, Skill act, SCounter, Def/Guts, Boss 12% AoE 2.8
    B. Summer Squash Dmg, Skill act, Weak M., Boss 20%, Evade AoE 2.8
    M. Apricot Dmg, Skill act, Boss 12%, Counter, Negate AoE 2.8
    S. Tree of a 1K Stars Dmg, Skill act, Boss fight 30%, Evade AoE 2.8
    B. Viola (Yukata) Dmg, Skill act, Boss fight 25%, SolarB, SCounter AoE 2.8
    S. Dusty Miller Dmg, Skill act, Crit, Crit dmg, Boss 15% 3x1.8
    B. Ivy New Year Dmg, Skill dmg, Boss 15%, Debuff dmg AoE 2.8
    M. Lotus Dmg, Weak P., Boss 10%, Debuff dmg AoE 2.8
    S. Lantana (Festival) Dmg, Rainbow Panels, Boss fight 20%, Evade 3x1.8
    P. Horse Chestnut Dmg, Weak B., Boss 30%, Debuff dmg AoE 2.8
    S. Liverwort Dmg, Dmg self, Pursuit, Crit, Crit Dmg, Boss Fight 30% 3x1.8
    M. Cattleya (Radiant) Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Boss 12% AoE 2.9
    S. Easter Cactus Dmg, Skill act, Boss Fight 25%, Resurrect AoE 2.8
    S. Pink Ladies Dmg, Skill act, Boss Fight 25%, Boss 12% Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    M. Chloranthus Dmg, Skill act 1st 2x Self, Re-Act 100%, Boss 12% 3x1.8
    B. Edelweiss (New Year) Dmg, Skill act, Skill dmg, Boss 15% 3x1.8
    M. Japanese Anemone Dmg, Dmg 1st, Skill act 1st, Boss Fight 22% AoE 2.8
    M. Lavender (Valentine) Dmg, Skill act, Debuff dmg, Boss 15% 3x1.8
    M. Trailing Abutilon (Ath) Dmg per #, Skill act, Skill dmg, Boss 20% Single 5x.4
    P. Corn Cockle Dmg, Skill act, Crit self 1st, Crit dmg Self, Boss 15% 3x1.8
    M. Camellia Wabisuke Dmg, Skill act 1st, Boss Fight 20%, Boss 15% AoE 2.8
    M. Lotus (June Bride) Dmg, Sill dmg, Boss Fight 25%, Boss 15% Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    S. Nightshade (Halloween) Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Boss Fight 30% Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    M. Monkshood (Heaven) Dmg, Skill act, Debuff Turn Skip, Boss Fight 15%, Boss 12% 3x1.8
    M. Mirabilis - Four O'Clock (Costumed) Dmg, Dmg 1st, Dmg per #, Skill act 1st, Boss fight 30% AoE 2.8
    S. Acacia (New Year) Dmg, Skill act affec 1.36, Boss 25%, Boss Fight 10% 3x1.8
    B. Hyacinth Dmg, Boss Dmg, Crit, Crit dmg, Boss 15%, Pursuit Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    Last edited by Myrdin; 04-04-2019 at 05:58 AM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Tier Type Name Abilities Active Skill
    3* S. Moth Orchid Dmg, Def/Guts, SCounter, Pursuit, Boss 15% Single 5.4
    3* S. Blue Lotus Dmg, Dmg per HP, Skill act, Boss Fight 30% Single 4.3 Drain
    4* P. Turnip Rape Dmg, Dmg per HP, Def/Guts, Scounter, Boss 15% Single 4.3 Drain
    4* B. Silver Orchid Dmg, Dmg self, Skill act, Re-act, Boss Fight 15%, Boss Fight Self 20% Single 5.4
    4* B. Yellow Tulip Dmg, Skill act, Boss 10%, Weak S. P., Def/Guts 2x3.8
    5* S. Dancing Ld Orchid Dmg, Skill act., Speed+, Boss Fight 25%, Boss 15% Single 4.3 Drain
    5* P. Golden-rayed Lily Dmg, SCounter 4x, Def/Guts, Boss 15%, Boss Fight 35% Single 5.4
    5* B. Violet Dmg, Skill act, Boss 15%, SolarB AoE 2.8
    5* M. Red Tulip Dmg, Skill act, Skill dmg, Boss Fight 35% Single 4.3 Drain
    5* P. Morning Star Lily Dmg, Skill act, Def/Guts, SCounter, Boss Fight 40% Single 4.3 Drain
    5* M. Tachibana Dmg, Skill act 1st, Skill act on turn 3, Weak B., Boss Fight 35% Single 5.4
    5* M. Green Bristlegrass Dmg, Skill act, Counter, Boss 12%, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* S. Hypericum Dmg, Scounter, Boss 15%, Boss Fight 45% AoE 2.8
    5* S. Cherry Sage Dmg, Boss 15%, Boss Fight 30%, Debuff dmg Single 4.3 Drain
    5* M. Coral Bush (Bride) Dmg, Boss 15%, SolarB, LG, Crystal 2x3.8
    5* P. Anemone (Miko) Dmg, Skill act, Boss 15%, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* B. Dalmatian Bellflower Dmg, Debuff dmg, Evade, Boss 15% Single 4.1 Drain
    5* S. Pomegrate Dmg, Dmg 1st, Skill act self 1st, Boss Fight 25%, Re-act 3x1.8
    5* B. Flowering Rush Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Boss 10%, Re-act Single 4.3 Drain
    5* M. Cyclamen (Radiant) Dmg, Skill act, Boss 12%, Boss self 20%, Boss Fight 18%, Boss Fight self 25% AoE 2.8
    5* P. Saffron (Christmas) Dmg, Skill act, Boss Fight 15%, Re-act, Evade 3x1.8
    5* B. Rough Potato Dmg, Skill act, Weak P., Boss 15% AoE 2.8
    5* M. Pot Marigold Dmg, Dmg per speed, Speed+, Skill act, Boss 12%, Boss Fight 25% 2x3.8
    5* S. Azuki Bean Dmg, Skill act, Skill dmg, Boss 15% AoE 2.8
    5* P. Hare's Ear Dmg, Dmg Self, Boss Fight 30%, Pursuit, Re-act 3x1.8
    5* M. Pickerel Weed Dmg, Dmg Self, Skill act, Boss 15%, Boss Fight 35% Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    5* P. Blood Iris Dmg, Dmg Self, Boss Fight 35%, Boss Fight Self 35%, Scounter, Def/ Guts 2x3.8
    5* B. Spoon Wood Dmg, Counter, Negate, Boss 12% 2x3.8
    5* B. Sawagikyou Dmg, Dmg turn end, Boss 10%, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* B. Plumeria (June Bride) Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Boss Fight 30%, Crit, Crit dmg 2x3.8
    5* S. Easter Cactus (Swimsuit) Dmg, Crit, Crit dmg, Weak B., Boss 15% 3x1.8
    5* P. Comet Orchid Dmg 1st, Dmg per #, Skill act 1st, Boss 12% Single 5.4
    5* S. Poinsettia (Yukata) Dmg, Skill act, Weak M., Boss Fight 22%, Boss 15% AoE 2.7
    5* B. Silene Coeli Rosa Dmg, Dmg per HP, Crit 1st guaranteed, Crit 1st dmg, Boss Fight 16% Single 4.3 Drain
    5* B. Buttercup Dmg, Dmg Self, Evade, Pursuit, Boss Fight 25% 2x3.8
    5* M. Abelia Dmg, Skill act, Debuff miss, Boss Fight 30%, Boss 15% Single 5.4
    5* S. Elm Dmg, Dmg per #, Boss 15%, Skill dmg AoE 2.8
    5* B. Gooseberry Dmg, Skill act, Boss Fight 30%, Debuff dmg 2x3.8
    Last edited by Myrdin; 09-04-2018 at 03:40 AM.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2016

    Type Name Abilities Active Skill
    B. Cherry Dmg, Debuff dmg -20%, Boss Fight, Boss 2x3.8
    S. Dancing Lady Dmg, Skill act, Skill dmg, Skill dmg self, Debuff dmg -15% AoE 2.8
    P. Mistletoe Dmg, Dmg end turn, SCounter, Debuff dmg -15%, Debuf Skill -15% AoE 2.8
    S. Acacia Dmg, Debuff dmg -20%, Crit self, Crit, Crit Dmg AoE 2.8
    P. Burning Bush Dmg, Skill act, Weak B. M., Debuff skill act -20% AoE 2.8
    P. Snowdrop Dmg, Dmg end turn, Skill act, Debuff dmg -15% AoE 2.8
    M. Evergreen Candy fruit Dmg, Skill act, Weak B. P., Debuff miss +12% AoE 2.8
    M. Epidendrium (Swimsu) Dmg, Skill act, Weak S., Debuff dmg -20% AoE 2.8
    M. Red Spider Lily (Miko) Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Debuff dmg -15% AoE 2.8
    P. Bush Clover Dmg, Dmg self, Skill act Debuff miss +12%, Re-act AoE 2.8
    M. Soapwort Dmg, Dmg per HP, Self Heal, Debuff Skill -30%, SCounter AoE 2.8
    S. Herbaceous Peony (H) Dmg, Dmg end turn, Debuff dmg -20%, Crit AoE 2.8
    B. Ivy New Year Dmg, Skill dmg, Boss, Debuff dmg -20% AoE 2.8
    M. Lotus Dmg, Weak P., Boss, Debuff dmg -20% AoE 2.8
    P. Horse Chestnut Dmg, Weak B., Boss, Debuff dmg -20% AoE 2.8
    M. Apple (Tanabata) Dmg, Debuff dmg -20%, Re-act, SCounter, Crit self, Crit dmg self AoE 2.8
    M. Golden Lace Dmg, Dmg per #, Evade, Debuff dmg -15% AoE 2.8
    P. Stock Dmg, Dmg end turn, Def/Guts, Debuff dmg -15% AoE 2.8
    M. Lavender Dmg, Skill act, Boss, Debuff dmg -15% 3x1.8
    M. Monkshood (Heaven) Dmg, Skill act, Debuff Turn Skip 25%, Boss Fight, Boss 3x1.8
    Last edited by Myrdin; 02-26-2019 at 04:55 AM.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2016

    Tier Type Name Abilities Active Skill
    2* P. Strawberry Dmg, Dmg turn end, Skill act, Debuff dmg -15% AoE 2.8
    4* M. Japanese Cypress Dmg, Def/Guts, Heal Self, SCounter, Debuff miss +12% 2x3.8
    4* M. White Tulip Dmg, Skill act, Debuff dmg -20% miss 12% 2x3.8
    5* B. Small Crowea Dmg, Skill act, SolarB, Debuff skill act -20%, Def/ Guts Single 5.4
    5* S. Cherry Sage Dmg, Boss, Boss Fight, Debuff dmg -15% Single 4.3 Drain
    5* M. Marvel of Peru Dmg, Def/Guts, Scounter, Debuff dmg -15%, Crit, Crit dmg 2x3.8
    5* M. Aconite Dmg, Skill act, Heal node, Dmg node, Debuff dmg -20% Single 4.3 Drain
    5* B. Dalmatian Bellflower Dmg, Boss, Evade, Debuff dmg -15% Single 4.1 Drain
    5* P. Madagascar Periwinkle Dmg, Dmg 1st, Skill act, Weak S., Debuff skill act -30% 2x3.8
    5* S. Spring Starflower Dmg, Debuff dmg -15%, Crit, Crit dmg Single 5.4
    5* M. Showy Evening Primrose (Easter) Dmg, Dmg turn end, Debuff dmg -15%, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* S. Cone Flower (Ninja) Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Skill dmg, Debuff miss -12% 3x1.8
    5* S. Jumpseed Dmg, Debuff dmg -15%, Evade, Def/Guts Single 4.3 Drain
    5* P. Tuberose Dmg, Debuff miss -12%, Counter, Evade, Re-act 2x3.8
    5* M. Sedum Dmg, Negate, Debuff dmg -20%, Debuff miss -12% 2x3.8
    5* P. Ceanothus Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Scounter, Debuff skill act -20% Single 4.3 Drain
    5* M. Abelia Dmg, Skill act, Debuff miss -12%, Boss Fight, Boss Single 5.4
    5* B. Gooseberry Dmg, Skill act, Boss Fight, Debuff dmg -20% 2x3.8
    Last edited by Myrdin; 09-04-2018 at 03:38 AM.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    May 2016

    Type Name Abilities Active Skill
    S. Kerria Dmg, Dmg per HP, Def/Guts, Evade Single 4.3 Drain
    P. Ionocidium Dmg, Re-act, Skill act, Skill dmg, Evade AoE 2.8
    M. Red Spider Lily Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Evade AoE 2.8
    B. Summer Squash Dmg, Weak M., Boss 20%, skill act, Evade AoE 2.8
    S. Herbaceous Peony Dmg, Skill act, Crit, Crit dmg, Evade AoE 2.8
    P. Saffron Dmg, Weak M., Def/Guts, SCounter, Evade AoE 2.8
    S. Royal Water Lily (Bride) Dmg, Dmg end turn, Skill act, Evade AoE 2.8
    S. Tree of a Thousand Stars Dmg, Skill act, Boss fight, Evade AoE 2.8
    S. Nightmaher Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Counter, Evade AoE 2.9
    S. Purslane Dmg, Self Heal, Evade, Crit, Crit Dmg AoE 2.8
    M. Freesia Dmg, Re-act, Skill act, Skill dmg, Evade AoE 2.8
    S. Lantana (Festival) Dmg, Rainbow Panels, Boss fight, Evade 3x1.8
    M. Golden Lace Dmg, Dmg per #, Debuff, Evade AoE 2.8
    M. Azalea Dmg, Skill act, Skill dmg, Evade AoE 2.8
    S. Paphiopedilum Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Evade Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    S. Geranium Dmg, Skill act, Skill dmg, Evade Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    S. Aizoon (Christmas) Dmg, Dmg per turn, Dmg after attacked, Evade Single 4.7, 2x2.8, 3x2.2
    P. Usagigoke Dmg, Skill act, Negate, Evade AoE 2.8
    Last edited by Myrdin; 02-26-2019 at 04:58 AM.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2016

    Tier Type Name Abilities Active Skill
    2* S. Mint Dmg, Skill act, Crit, Crit dmg, Evade Single 5.4
    5* S. Camellia Dmg, Dmg turn end, Def/Guts, Counter, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* S. Water Lily Dmg, Dmg per HP, Def/Guts, Evade Single 4.3 Drain
    5* P. Toad Lily Dmg, Dmg turn end, Skill act, Pest Panels, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* S. Leschenaultia Dmg, Def/Guts, Weak B. M., Evade 2x3.8
    5* P. Chocolate Cosmos Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Healing node, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* M. Green Bristlegrass Dmg, Skill act, Counter, Boss, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* P. Anemone (Miko) Dmg, Skill act, Boss, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* B. Dalmatian Bellflower Dmg, Boss, Debuff dmg, Evade Single 4.1 Drain
    5* M. Tiger Lily Dmg, Skill act, Crit, Crit dmg, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* P. Heart Vine Dmg, Skill act, Weak B. M., Evade 2x3.8
    5* S. Rabbit-ear Iris Dmg, Dmg turn end, Skill act, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* P. Saffron (Christmas) Dmg, Skill act, Boss Fight, Re-act, Evade 3x1.8
    5* S. Delphinium (Athletic) Dmg, Crit, Crit dmg, Evade Single 4.3 Drain
    5* S. Adenium Dmg, Dmg turn end, Heal Self, Re-act, Evade Single 4.3 Drain
    5* M. Showy Evening Primrose (Easter) Dmg, Dmg turn end, Debuff dmg, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* P. Laurentia (Ninja) Dmg, Dmg per #, Weak B., Evade AoE 2.8
    5* B. Sawagikyou Dmg, Dmg turn end, Boss, Evade AoE 2.8
    5* S. Jumpseed Dmg, Debuff dmg, Evade, Def/Guts Single 4.3 Drain
    5* B. Henna Dmg, Skill act, Crit, Crit dmg, Evade 2x3.8
    5* P. Tuberose Dmg, Re-act, Debuff miss, Counter, Evade 2x3.8
    5* B. Buttercup Dmg, Dmg Self, Evade, Pursuit, Boss Fight 2x3.8
    5* B. Lithops Dmg, Dmg per turn, Skill act, Def/Guts, Evade 3x1.8
    Last edited by Myrdin; 09-04-2018 at 03:35 AM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2016

    Type Name Abilities Active Skill
    S. Red Ginger Dmg, Skill act, Skill dmg, Speed+. SCounter 3.75x Single 4.3 Drain
    P. Anemone Dmg, Def/Guts, SCounter 4x, Crit, Crit dmg 3x1.8 + AoE 0.5
    M. Helenium Dmg, Dmg, Skill act, SCounter 4.25x, Guts, Boss AoE 2.8
    P. Mistletoe Dmg, Dmg end turn, Debuff dmg, Debuff Skill rate, SCounter 4x AoE 2.8
    M. Appricot Dmg, Skill act, Boss, Counter 3.75x, Negate AoE 2.8
    P. Saffron Dmg, Weak M., Def/Guts, SCounter 4.25x, Evade AoE 2.8
    S. Habrantus Dmg, Counter 3.75x, Negate, Skill act, Weak B. AoE 2.9
    B. Viola (Yukata) Dmg, Skill act, Boss fight, SB, SCounter 4x AoE 2.8
    B. Ghost Weed Dmg, Skill act, SB, Weak P., SCounter 4x AoE 2.8
    S. Nightmaher Dmg, Dmg per #, Skill act, Counter 4x, Evade AoE 2.9
    M. Soapwort Dmg, Dmg per HP, Self Heal, Debuff Skill rate, SCounter 4x AoE 2.8
    M. Apple (Tanabata) Dmg, Debuff, Re-act, SCounter 4x, Crit self, Crit dmg self AoE 2.8
    Last edited by Myrdin; 07-31-2018 at 05:08 AM.

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