I don't own Maus, so I can only describe what happens when I face her. It's a series of 'ifs' with her.

1. If she survives long enough to use her invulnerability, and
2. If she has backup in the form of several AOE tanks, and
3. If she drew all the aggro before my deathball was able to target those AOE tanks, and
4. If my tanks don't get a commander/PT-76 defense up in time....

THEN I worry about Maus.

Since your opponent won't have 4. available, if you can manage to time her deployment so that the first three ifs line up, then she would be worth her deployment cost (which the AI opponent never needs to consider, so she could be more effective on the other side than in a player's hands). Other than that, I wouldn't bother...but then again, I'm the anti-Heavy guy.