Found it, september 2017 from dead ulmf forum,

Pasting it for entertainment value, I didnt do any count, but pretty sure the numbers of missing are almost unchanged all said and done.
This tank be stuck in the mud (for now)


Hm. But, it is just 1 new character added. Which is the baseline standard. So the more characters is correct but a bit thin.
The more art is a swing in the air. There is not more art as such, unless one insists on counting the new ARL44 itself here, it is exactly the same, which is,

5* : 5 missing.
4* : 28 missing.
3* : 17 missing.
2* : 14 missing.
1* : 12 missing.

Compared to 30 units with (a) story and (b) art. So 30 of 106(*disclaimer for counting and what not). Which is just absurd 2 months+ in.
Even the AMX-40 in the Gatcha pool does not have story or art (again btw ... does story and art really need to follow each other? why not get the tank's background fleshed out? The writing should take a fraction of the art time to do. Story could do with some improvements too btw. yes. Even for an adult game).

Also it would be more honest of them at this stage to scratch the 1* and 2* or at least make them story only. I mean come on.
At this speed it will take over 5 years for the all missing units (2 in 8 weeks at 76 missing) = 304 weeks O_o