Very good event as far as access is considered. The difficulty is scaled down a lot.
I also got 6 green hearts - hopefully that is a sign, that instead of the stupid RnG drop rate for the event unique currency they finally adopted a mode where all players gain certain amount per each full clear. Certainly much better than getting 0-1 corncopias per what... 16 maps ? Yes that was very infuriating...

The 4* meh, who cares right.
The 5* however looks very nice from the first look. Solid Armor pen, OK ish passive (not fan of the single shot passives, I enjoy more a siege comp with timed attack bonuses and range, but its fine I guess). OK range - will need some tunning up, good speed and attacks speed.
Plus I dig her looks, so not bad event character at all.
Not a let down is that its yet another Tank Destroyers....
Both artillery pieces we got so far were Minnie and Katy, which do exactly the same thing, then we got bunch of TD one of which is very bad, and one is suicide parachuter (which is pretty good, though made obsolete by the last newly released girl). And a Heavy Tank.

If this tank was artillery with better range, lets say 23-ish at the very least, I would be much more interested. Like this, well.. I think I´ll take her in since I like her looks and she isnt that bad, but doesnt do anything my own squad cant do atm.
The current Research is pretty shit as well, so yeah...