Quote Originally Posted by Kusho View Post
Comparing her to a support is irrelevant
Not entirely irrelevant. She IS a support light in that she's got the de-buff passive, which makes her rate of fire relevant to how quickly she can drop an enemy tank's accuracy. To make full use of that passive you need at least a 25% faster rate of fire, or [0.6] attack speed. Plus she's essentially a beefier Type 62 in terms of basic stats. You could call her a cut down Leopard 1a1 but that's I think missing the point. Run her behind your choice of evasion tank and you'll extend their life.

Finished off the event by farming Ocica. Ended up with 14 green chocos because two map resets decided to hold out on me, proving once again that random event drops are still dumb-bad and that 350 cores for an event map reset is at best an idiotic gamble. Didn't end up getting a reinforcement pack in the end since I'd have had to buy three boxes of love just to cover the 5 K points in love letters I needed to finish off the event and I am completely out of flippin' oil. Oh well.