Game is up.
New crafting system and missions added.

I like the concept, its still new so there is not much to it, but I really like the idea. Now I hope the emblems you craft will be of your choosing, and not be randomly generated - that kinda misses the point of choosing which emblem type you need.
The "upgrade" for 50 cores per Battle map (Crafting missions), is stupidly high. If it was permanent I can see the reason, but for 50 cores you get one extra mission, for one use item ? This is a bad decission.
20 Cores I can see, since you can make that just by playing PoC itself. 50 is pushing it. I tried it once to see what happens, but as mentioned, its a upgrade for One use only item. Not worth it.

Now few more notes: When exiting your base, you no longer go straight to world map instead you have to choose between World Map, PoC or the new Crafting missions. This while its a good idea, looks ugly as F--ck when popping out at you. A corner that needs to be polisehd.
Next - You CANT access the crafting missions from the World map, you have to go through your base and then through the ugly selection once more... again this is tedious multiclicking for no reason - Stream line the idea. Make a new pernanent Island or something on the world map that allows you to access the crafting missions from it. Dont force the player to go through multiple screens just for this.

Last pet peeve I have is that at the moment you get the moment you get the Crafting mission "invitations" only through Invasion mission. This is quite stupid and fairly limiting. You are TRIPPLE gated with the crafting - You need RnG to drop the Emblem Core that is the base for the crafting. You need to gather wast quantity of crafting resource, which you can do only when running the special missions - which ARE limited in number as a Invasion obtainable only item.
This is retarded at the very least - you cant introduce a mechanic that takes such a wast quantity of time to complete, and then put multiple gating restrictions on it.
I personally think they should drop the Crafting Invites completely and make it a fixed point on the world map, where you go farm when you want to do crafting. Much faster much more fluid.
If they ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO use the Crafting Invite item, then at least make a % drop chance for every single map, so when people are farming Ocica and such they get a chance to get it as a bonus with the standard loot.

Overall good concept, that needs some hammering out to be done to become a solid ingame mechanic. Keep up the good work devps, and keep improving the game, cheers.