Yea, I ended up dropping the game because it got too time-consumming, not just with oil but also with keeping up with the scouts, of which it was RANDOM how long you could expect them to be out before you have to retrieve them and then that 20% timer for them to come back which may or may not gel with your real life schedule (and that you also have to keep track of, which just got tiring because I'd always have on the back of my mind, "Did I collect my scouts yet?")

The oil usage got to the point where I was dreading having to log on and see my oil at max because then I'd feel obliged to spend it and that just got tiring day after day. And all for nothing, really, because there just wasn't any point to levelling after a while or even to getting new tanks once you've gotten a full roster. I guess their solution to the latter was these expeditions but that's just more time consumming and didn't really feel very satisfying.

Oh well, it was fun for a longer while than most browser/mobile games I've played, and at least in this one I didn't find myself hating the developers unlike most games where I end up feeling like they were just trying to fleece me.