Quote Originally Posted by Aidoru View Post
The problem with Heavy Tanks is the targeting system in this game. They have no way to pull aggro from other tanks and are often slow enough that medium and other tanks move past them after dealing with the enemies only to have them get targeted instead. Would be nice if they had some targeting mechanic as well. A destroyer spawns. Oh nice, my tanks are all targeting a enemy structure next to her instead and get 1~2 hit aoe'd.

I'm leveling my emblems around 5 to 10 depending on what their secondary stats are. Useless ones I leave so I know which to sell since you can't see stats in recycle menu. I upgrade ones I might use to at least +1 so I can differentiate. I only use 3star and above emblems as well.
Actually the way my heavy tanks work is I deploy them first and then depending on map and enemy spawn (especially in PoC). What usually happens is my mediums have much more range so they actually stop to shoot further back then my heavy tank so the aggro gets put onto my heavy and even if it doesn't any additional enemy reinforcements will tag the heavy instead of medium. In this way some damage gets rotated or if i deployed TD after Heavy, things die fast but thats cause im using fv4005 stage 2 which has fast charge rate of skill which is 80% dmg increase and 100% pen.

Regarding my emblems I have mostly 3* couple 4* and some 2* which i deem not worth to replace without a 3* equivalent either due to damage or stat stacks. I have all emblems at +10 except 2* ones