3 blueprints per PoC level is what's going to be the 'why bother' for some FTP players. They may need to tweak it up a bit, because for some that won't be enough incentive and with fewer players participating in PoC's percentile-based rewards, the number who reach the higher reward levels will plummet.

The worst thing about it at the moment is the oil cost. People have to make the choice between advancing the storyline/grinding better XP and participating in PoC. I'm sure that for the first few rounds everyone wanted to try the shiny new mode, but the novelty's wearing off and instead of sticking with it they're going back to XP farming...some presumably so that they can come back to the PoC with a stronger army and get higher in the rankings. I know that thought crossed my mind as I found my upper limit in PoC remaining frustratingly low. But I decided to stick with it for this week, and with the newness factor gone I'm actually placing higher than ever before, currently at 10%, which I feel is respectable. This will not last, though...as soon as people return from their XP farming I'll be back in my usual 20-30% place, or perhaps even lower. But since I couldn't compete with them anyway I think I'm better off taking the higher rewards while I can.