WonderWaffle: Sorri my bad, I thought Tabby and Ceris were both 6 gears. I know Tabby aint a 5*, no idea what I was thinking about when typing that one. The 6 Gear TD is still kinda worthless to me. Yeah she packs a punch and yeah she is super slow even if geared up with proper emblems, but most of the time I either dont have the funds to deploy her, or at the point where I can afford her, its already past the point of usefulness.

So guys - did any1 else notice this, but the Invasion mission rewards seems to have been changed. After the Halloween event I never got a 4* out of it anymore, but instead I started getting bunch of 2* tanks. I am not sure if they reduced the chance for a 4* or removed them completely in favor of 2* since it was maybe too much for the missions to drop a 4* (dunno, maybe it was maybe not) and I was wondering if anyone else noticed this or if I am just getting a really bad RnG streak.

Also - Was it Ocica that had a chance of dropping a 5* ? Any of the Ocica missions or a particullar one. Since I was bored I did a push on the world map and cleared several tiles to finally get there, and now I am contemplating farming Ocica a bit if it does drop those 5* tanks.