Alright I give up on Ho-Ri, and invasions in general. The level scaling is just pure anti-fun, as is being continuously bombarded across the map by magic zero cost artillery while an army of nothing but five star tanks cut through my severely under-leveled army and tissue-paper Lieutenant. You barely get enough oil for one try on each invasion point and even if you win you frequently don't have enough surviving tanks to make repairing worth while. I just... don't even want more tanks at this point. They have beaten the desire for new tanks out of me with this atrocious garbage. And what's the point? Why have such stifling repair and fuel systems in place? To make it gradually less and less rewarding to play the game?

The most important aspect of any game is being able to play it and this game doesn't seem to want you to play. I'm giving progressively fewer fucks about this game as it corners me out of being able to play. They've simply tried to monetize too many aspects of this game with too little understanding of how it effects player retention engagement or interest.

So before I fuck off I'm going to offer some unsolicited advice to the wind -

Scale the experience gain of tanks and the Lieutenant to their relative level so grind isn't counterproductive. ( Eg; A level k tank doing a level f map gets 0.5+(f/k)*0.5 times the normal experience, so on a level 20 map a level 40 tank gets 75% of the base experience, and a level ten tank gets 150% of the base experience. )

Reduce the oil cost of maps so people can play more than one game every three freaking hours. That shit doesn't fly when your game has such fun bugs as "can't let go of a tank you've picked up" and "Unity splash screen randomly pops up over everything and won't go away". Or hey, maybe random bullshit losses shouldn't cost oil? No one wants to pay money for more bullshit losses.

The game also desperately need a way to sort through your equipped emblems and transfer them between tanks.

And add a damn mine layer.

Peace Ooot.