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  1. #1
    Scaling to commander level wouldn't be nearly as bad if your tanks leveled faster than commander WITHOUT needing dupe-bonuses (this way, you wouldn't feel too discouraged at the idea of bringing that new 5* onto your team, because having her be dead-weight for about 10 battles wouldn't be so bad, but the current setup of like 40 battles most certainly is)

    Oil cost of invasions should be halved, at least. They're too damn pricey, and at level 50 cost 386 oil per pop. 2,316 oil for all 6 is MORE oil than you get for 12 hours of automatic oil generation (2250 with the now 5th oil well), and even with scouting tossed in, it leaves very little room for Factory, PoC or random leveling

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    The "issue" is the 2x invasion sets per day-- this isn't a permanent feature, it was left in for the Ho-Ri "event" though (generally just one set of invasions per day).

    My commander level is 50 now, my Super Pershing is 38, all my remaining 4*s in my main army are 45-46, and all the other 5*'s are somewhere a bit behind Sarah.

    I'm able to do the invasions just fine though-- usually I can get at least 3 of them before I lose enough tanks to stop, then I come back to them a couple hours later (after repair times) and finish it. This leaves me with enough oil (heavily abusing scouting, and I do not have the last oil rig yet) to do *either* the PoC *or* some main maps. Now that PoC is an every-other-day thing it means one day I do the PoC, the off day I do some maps.

    My suggestion would be (if you're struggling with it), just cut down how many of the invasions you do. Save yourself oil for other things if you'd like to work on them, and especially try to do a bunch of White North runs just for exp farming (I did that for a while before the first event landed, I needed exp badly to even try Ocica).

  3. #3
    Valid point on 2 sets per day not being a permanent thing, though it's still taking up over half the daily oil (and for those of us who work full-time, we aren't even getting the full potential oil). I can often do all 6 invasions before needing repairs, but depending on how much PoC/grinding I've been doing, sometimes I lack the oil for it all.

    I usually cut off 1-3 currency/blueprint invasions if I'm feeling short on oil, but the rest (Cores, Candy and Metal) are stuff I need enough to do them anyways

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    The problem with Commander level is it pulls in the opposite direction of the tank replacement the game also does.
    Which all boils down to limited single tank leveling options.

    Sticking with the same true and tried front line, and thereby having a leveled front, solves most of it for invasions, since it matters a whole lot less what all other tanks in the force are if the front can take and give enough to simply make all else follow ups and not key players.

    I run with 4* Tiger, 4* T34/85 (from day 1) and Max DPS focus fire tanks, Invasion causes me little trouble for that reason.

    Oh sure, I have some prestige 5* around, but they are in the second row. The 4* Pull the heavy load, and I have cleared all missions and have last oil well. If I wanted to front those, I'd be in trouble, which is of course the opposite of what should happen, but am pragmatic enough in the short term to go 'oh well'.

    Number of invasions and oil is a luxury thing. Could be fine tuned, maybe even should be, but honestly, it is an optimization not a broken part of the game. More pressing items to get fixed - Such as realizing that only running events at holidays is leaving waaaay too large gaps for the base game to cover, more so as the base game has already had to do cover for 3 out of 4 months.

  5. #5
    General Snuggles Guest
    My trick for beating the invasions is avoiding the head on battle in the first place. If you can get a hold of a sherman crocodile, there often available in the blueprint store and equip some emblem on them that increases speed but not range, you can use it to flank the other defences and tanks, combine that with the commander ability which boost attack you'll have a much easier time at it. Well that works for me with the tanks I currently have at my disposal. Doesn't always work, however, with enough practice it gets pretty reliable. Mind you this won't work with levels that have destroyers as bosses. Additionally, levelling up won't help any with invasions, better tanks, Grinding certain tanks using dupes, or Finding and levelling up emblems are the way to go.

    More than anything what this games really need is a strategy guide that talks about battle strategies. The games dynamic don't follow the usual mold for these types of game, I've been at it for 6 weeks now and I'm only now starting to wrap my mind around it.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by General Snuggles View Post
    My trick for beating the invasions is avoiding the head on battle in the first place. If you can get a hold of a sherman crocodile, there often available in the blueprint store and equip some emblem on them that increases speed but not range, you can use it to flank the other defences and tanks, combine that with the commander ability which boost attack you'll have a much easier time at it. Well that works for me with the tanks I currently have at my disposal. Doesn't always work, however, with enough practice it gets pretty reliable. Mind you this won't work with levels that have destroyers as bosses. Additionally, levelling up won't help any with invasions, better tanks, Grinding certain tanks using dupes, or Finding and levelling up emblems are the way to go.

    More than anything what this games really need is a strategy guide that talks about battle strategies. The games dynamic don't follow the usual mold for these types of game, I've been at it for 6 weeks now and I'm only now starting to wrap my mind around it.
    Finally registered here so that I can edit my comments on here, I also want to add that this messaging board with everyone's useful information was a great help to me as I'm progressing trough the game. This forum sure took out most of the frustrations I was experiencing while I was playing.

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    Don't know what to say to all this talk about invasion tiles...they're the easy ones I use to level my low 5*s, who never even have to step onto the battlefield. I take the enemy tanks head-on with my highest 5*s and my two remaining 4*s, and it pisses me off when I lose even a single tank to a mis-timed defender shot. Commander's level is 46, Sarah's level is 35. Are you guys not Medium deathballing or something?

    I do have to replace the lowest four 5*s with high level 4*s for high level PoC and Ocica map runs because they tend to use all of my available tanks, but other than that I'm not seeing any problem with normal gameplay difficulty, and certainly not invasions. I did have problems with the scaling on the Halloween event, though.

    Also, since commander and tank levels are capped at 50 this is at most a temporary problem for EVERYONE, which is why I've been relentlessly grinding invasions for XP in the time between events. Once we hit 50 on the commander level it will only ever get easier from then on out as our tanks start to catch up.

    (Should probably be noted I haven't spent a cent on the game...FTP FTW.)

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