Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
Half way through the first map reset, gained 0 fcking cornucopias from it so far.
This is plainly retarded.

Zandel you lucky bastard you, seems like you got more than all of us here combined. But honestly, though ...
So far it seems highly improbable that most people will be able to get all 3 copies of the event tank. Not with drops like these.
Srsly, instead of Fucking RnG is it that big of a deal to hard program static drops, lets say 5 per map ? Coz then you have situations like these where some people get so much of it, they are not even able to believe the others who get totally F. over by RnG.

The repair chick is a latino/asian not white, take a proper look at her, and she aint a man. I get the satirical alegory I do, but fuck that rasist remark dude T___T
Oh I believe, RNG is RNG after all. But when most people are getting 5+ per run then it's just bad luck for a few that we are seeing. Remember that only a small % of people who get average to good drops will post about them while almost 100% of bad drops will be posted about. Looking at other media, the drops are not that bad. You guys have just had some bad RNG rolls. You might end up with 10 from the next reset or something, of course it's also possible you get 5-10 over the course of the entire event.

That is WHY they have the option in the shop to purchase more. In case RNG fucks you over or you simply don't want to risk RNG to begin with.