Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
And this right here is a very juvenile understanding of racism.
You're categorically misinterpreting what I just said. Yes fox news overall is racially agendad since fear-mongering is their bread and butter, but that's not what I'm speaking to. I'm talking about it's sensationalism, tribalism and oversimplification of complex issues which is characteristic enough OF Fox News that they can be used to exemplify them. If that still twists you knickers then... sorry?

Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
Sure. Btw, ever occoured to you, I might not be watching Fox News, or even live in the USA ? I mean it must have if you can make assumptions as these right ? Riiiiight...
Dont want to stir drama, just wanted to point out that one thing. Moving on.
I'm not assuming you watch it, and that's irrelevant to the point. It was a joking way to point out that "Fuck those Guy that killed all those people" is a fundamentally different statement than "fuck all Guys" since conflating those two points and getting righteously indignant on behalf of Guys is precisely the KIND of shit Fox News does all the time. Anyway I'm not dumping on you, just pointing out that you were reacting to a cosmetic connection to racism as if it were racism. Err... peace?

On Topic -
Does anyone else have serious issues with mouse responsiveness in this game? At times I can't pick a tank up, or I'll pick a tank up and not be able to put it down. Sometimes a special or artillery shot I was placing will release while I'm still dragging it to position, holding the mouse button down.