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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by TreadNaught View Post
    I doubt they're unaware of it, but they won't acknowledging it as a problem. At least not yet. The point of the event from their perspective is to get people to purchase baskets from the exchange. See, we keep referring to cornucopias as if they're part of the event, but they're not. The event is the bounties. That's the hook for the SALE. The SALE is the exchange shop and the cornucopias are like coupons for the exchange shop you get as random event drops. Coupons exist to make people buy things they otherwise wouldn't because hey, they've got a coupon.
    The problem with this logic is that events are the only way to reliably get an Elite 5* tank. By making the ONLY use for corns to be the 3rd copy, you put RNG into getting the elite tank. If I want RNG in my Elite 5*, I'll go pull in store.

    Even worse is the fact that the shop option for corns is randomized, for even more RNG, which is a huge turn-off in itself.

    All in all, IMO they need to make it clear whether events are meant to give a "free" (or almost free) Elite 5* or expect to pay for a perfect 5*. Right now it seems more to pay, except in this case a couple lucky people will get one for free.

    And before anyways says that guaranteed Elite 5* is not the big draw of events, I'd like to point out that we get a free 5* every month by default for login bonuses so it's not just getting a 5* that makes events special, it's getting an Elite 5*

    Personally, I think the last two tiles should guarantee a corn on the last map of the tile so those who can full clear don't STILL end up with 0 corns for the run. Guaranteeing you'll be at least half way there if you full clear every time seems like it would encourage a lot more spenders (since otherwise it's mostly the whales or the really lucky that will dump cores in)

  2. #2
    TreadNaught Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
    All in all, IMO they need to make it clear whether events are meant to give a "free" (or almost free) Elite 5* or expect to pay for a perfect 5*. Right now it seems more to pay, except in this case a couple lucky people will get one for free.
    Pretty much. I think if they just owned up to that people would be less aggravated. I'm just saying I think that's what they were going for, but then they sold the idea poorly... and yeah making the shop cornucopias random was dumb. Making it a 100% variance was extra special sauce dumb.

    Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
    And before anyways says that guaranteed Elite 5* is not the big draw of events, I'd like to point out that we get a free 5* every month by default for login bonuses so it's not just getting a 5* that makes events special, it's getting an Elite 5*
    Eh, they're also event tanks. There's a sort of 'limited edition' quality to them for people who care about that. Though I'll admit that Elite isn't a huge draw for me. It'd be something if tanks got an extra emblem slot or something from it, but it's like a 9% atk/hp boost? Meh. Turkey gurl's going on the back burner until I get my regular squad leveled anyway.

    But see, I'd actually enjoy a small event for a single regular five star as long as it wasn't a RNG train-wreck. That's actually kinda what PoC is.
    I like PoC. They done good with blueprints.

    ... did they do a 'glazed' or 'basted' joke with the turkey themed tank girl? I mean, it's the obvious joke.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by TreadNaught View Post
    ... did they do a 'glazed' or 'basted' joke with the turkey themed tank girl? I mean, it's the obvious joke.
    'Stuffed,' 'breast or thigh,' and 'gravy' are also good jokes.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    FYI this event tank gets +15% atk / Hp from elite status so quite a bit.
    Flower Knight Girl: 255445855

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    Slightly off topic, but considering it involves RNG, money, and games, figured it was worth mention:

    According to PCgamer, the Belgium gaming commission just ruled that loot boxes are gambling, and wants them banned across Europe.

    In practice, they want to ban any game where you buy something, but you don't know what you have purchased until afterwards. This has pretty significant ramifications for Nutaku. I'd argue most of the purchases in these games fit under that description. Unit pulls in project Kamihime, Armor Blitz, Girls on tanks, Flower Knight Girl, Dragon Providence, Mononofu, etc. etc.

    Senator in Hawaii is apparently working with other senators in attempting something similar in the US of A.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Slightly off topic, but considering it involves RNG, money, and games, figured it was worth mention:

    According to PCgamer, the Belgium gaming commission just ruled that loot boxes are gambling, and wants them banned across Europe.

    In practice, they want to ban any game where you buy something, but you don't know what you have purchased until afterwards. This has pretty significant ramifications for Nutaku. I'd argue most of the purchases in these games fit under that description. Unit pulls in project Kamihime, Armor Blitz, Girls on tanks, Flower Knight Girl, Dragon Providence, Mononofu, etc. etc.

    Senator in Hawaii is apparently working with other senators in attempting something similar in the US of A.
    My hunch is that this wont get passed. These moral signaling old farts can attempt it as many times as they want. Gambling is a huge revenue for the goverment because it can and is taxed by law - how much, depends on each country and its laws, but in my country anything you win through gambling, lottery, random events etc, is getting taxed if you want to claim the prize.

    I assume same goes for .... well... everywhere. And if we are talking about loot boxes, big 3A gaming companies who create bunch of money through their services wont just idly standby. Microtransactions for Loot Boxes and similar stuff are huge part of their profit for literally zero effort. And in the end its always about money. Once the shareholders of these companies (who usually have invested money in other companies as well since most of the big companies around the world areowned by a small % of people) see this, they gonna have a discussion with the people in politics and this nonsense will dissappear.
    We have seen this before, it just repeats itself.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 11-22-2017 at 03:07 AM.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Well RNGesus has forsaken me... took a while but he's off looking at someone else now. 7 tiles 0 corns.... expected really.
    Flower Knight Girl: 255445855

  8. #8
    TreadNaught Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Zandel View Post
    Well RNGesus has forsaken me... took a while but he's off looking at someone else now. 7 tiles 0 corns.... expected really.
    Well I got nine! Two this pass.

    I do have a working theory that the cornucopia drops AREN'T entirely random. I think your chance of getting one is higher when there's live enemy turkey tanks on the board.
    . . .can't actually test that 'till next reset though. Also trying to avoid killing them is difficult. You can tell I'm getting bored with something when I start making up challenge mode crap like this.

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