Guys, the devs have done a lot better on this event than either of the previous ones. The event map is only 16 battles total compared to 40 for the last one and a crapton of waiting for repairs for the first one (forgot how many, think it was also 40, but it was the waiting on repairs that bugged me the most).

If you can finish seven event tiles on each path, the remaining bells can be farmed on the Nethercold Sea tile for 7992 oil per day. I use that as an example because that's my go-to tile for farming quick wins without the possibility of losing any tanks. Even if you haven't finished the last oil tile, anyone who has reached Nethercold has a potential 15,000 oil production per 24-hour period, not including scouting rewards, so that's almost twice as much as you need. Obviously, people are still going to spend oil on PoC and invasion tiles, but unless you're really low level, with the greater bells per oil on invasion tiles and the lower bells per oil on PoC those kind of cancel each other out. (Can't give exact figures on that because invasion tiles are tied to your level and PoC is tied to your individual performance.) Since the event started, I did my invasion tiles, lvls 50/52 on PoC (that still seems weird...the big number says 25/26, but I suppose I'm still the odd one out), and farmed Nethercold and it's going to put me way over the 4629 I need for seven event tiles. Who knows, I may even be able to finish eight event tiles...I'll give it a try after I burn off more oil. So it'll be eminently reasonable to get both bags completed without spending cores. This is how an event should work...if you're good enough and put in the work, you shouldn't have to pay cash.

About the 2K cores for the extra tanks...even though I probably won't be able to get either, I'm not at all bothered by it. Neither one is one of 'the' event tanks, and in my opinion it's a totally optional bonus purchase. And holy shit, no more RNG fuckery!

One major complaint, though: STOP PUTTING 'WHOLESOME' STORIES IN H-GAMES! Fuckin' Hell, devs! If you can't bring yourself to H- a potential Loli, STOP DRAWING POTENTIAL LOLIs...or at the very least leave them without stories! I'm not a Loli fan, but this is just fucking stupid.

One minor (literally) complaint. What's up with the eerie minor key riff in the new holiday music? It's out of place with the whole cheerful sleighbell theme.