Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
40% chance of 5* with only the 3 listed tanks in that 5* group. So if you want a specific one, that's a 40/3 = 13.33% chance of her
That's not what it says though. It says a Soviet 4-5*, with a 40% chance of a 5*... a group which includes T-62, T-34/100, T-44, IS-3, IS-7 etc. as well as the event units. So it's more like a 4% of a specific tank assuming they have equal drop chances. Point is, it's not expressed clearly.

Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
Repairs enabled is annoying but the alternative is using oil due to the fact you could otherwise spam until you clear.
They could make it so you take no damage on an event stage clear. They could have it set up so your tanks take no damage on the first few attempts of each stage. They could do level scaling based on something rational like average unit level, or treat every unit used in the event as though it's base stats were at your Lieutenant's level. There are a lot of good alternatives between "unlimited attempts" and "go fuck yourself, new guy".

Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
if you can't clear tile 8 every day, you'll have to buy at least once in all likelihood.
Thereby placing the highest whaling requirement on the least happy, least heavily invested portion of the player population. Even without that frustration people are going to need to whale if they want Kat or Eliza. I understand they need people to buy shit but again, there's better ways. Also just throwing this out there, but the game could add some cosmetic items. Ammo for colored smoke trails or fireworks artillery or something.

Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Another marked improvement is that there is now 6 reward tiers instead of 3-4 tiers.
Gives a more steady reward stream and does away with the worst of the hello I am a 80-100k gap.
That's true. It's good for the players, and it also benefits them since you can bridge any of those stage gaps by spending cores.