Quote Originally Posted by verified 100% human View Post
Object 279 = It's the E-100, but better damage and lower deployment cost for 10 seconds of juggernaut.
KV-8 = It's the Churchill Crocodile, but worse? Nice art, but not much to recommend it.
ASU-57 = Hallelujah, it's raining Hetzers!

Is it just me, or are armor emblems kinda pointless? I mean, if you have anything less than a heavy tank they make the difference between a tank dying in one hit and... a tank dying in one hit. If you have a heavy with the highest base armor of 170 and 5,000 hp...

170 armor = 39.5% damage reduction, 8,265 ehp
...and add 100 armor in emblems...
270 armor = 50.9% damage reduction, 10,183 ehp

...then it can take ten hits instead of eight? Seems like stacking evasion and attack modifiers is always going to give you more effect.
The only reason Armor Emblems have a point is because you have no other options for a third defensive emblem.

You start with an Evade Emblem and an HP Emblem for your first two slots. And then after that, what else are you going to give a defense-focused heavy? The only other emblem that might remotely be useful to a defense-oriented heavy is move speed, of which several heavies have enough of, anyways and those that don't aren't going to move much faster with a move speed emblem anyways because it's a % based increase.

But yea, its effect is pretty pathetic. In comparison to the other two blue emblems (HP and Eva), a five star armour emblem with the same defensive substats gives less effective durability than a three-star HP emblem with the same defensive substats. Lucky for Armor Emblems that you can't equip two of the same type of emblem at the same time.