Quote Originally Posted by Machcio View Post
I just have a newbie question. Are emblems just supposed to sit in inventory or do you actually equip them on tanks? Info in "how to play" claims about equipping but I actually can't see a way to do so. No button or anything. Am I missing something?

Edit: ok, yes, I WAS missing something. Found it.
Yes you equip them on your tanks, actually finding emblems and equipping the tanks with emblems that enhance the tanks in a way that fits your battle strategy is one of the core mechanics of the game.

Scouts are the primary way of finding emblems, artillery units are best suited for that task.

To equip Embem, click on Army Icon Bottom rich corner -> then click on unit -> them Click on Item tab under the stats -> then underneath that you'll have three slots with plus, click on the plus on on the emblem you want. You can also upgrade them for better stats.

Welcome to AB, been at it for three months and it's still awesome