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  1. #5211

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    I only played Fire Emblem Awakening (Waifu:Cordellia) and Fire Emblem Fates (Waifu:Orochi) on my 3DS.

    All other FE games i played on an Emulator.

    It's a good challenge if you play the games on lunatic mode;D

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #5212

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    Myrdin> Golden Sun is a such good game... I can' ttell how many time I played and replayed it. Both of them. You can play it on emulator and still keep Golden Sun 1 data by using the damn password. It's a fucking ridiculous long password which don't allow you any mistake (if you doyou can just delete all the stuff after the mistake) but you can use any save from any Rom or actual cartridge.
    Golden Sun 2 is really good. Maybe better than the first one on some point.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #5213
    Unregistered Guest
    The news section has something about a renewal of the nation maps. Looks like they're gonna be removed and gradually re-added with some modifications, starting April 16th.

  4. #5214

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    In topic.
    It's really good they run some work in nation defence.
    Fast read through annoncement, seem we can bring girls that not belong to certain country mission if we already clear it.
    Intersting... but what will happen with the story line happening in nation defence?
    Maybe I'll read annoucement again.

    Out topic.
    Ninjax ; Ow wow Tiki so d*mn cool.
    So hot and sexy in red dress, not look like a child in FE 3 at all.
    I just like... OMG.
    yea it bring back memory a lot, really miss my old peaceful day when I still young.
    Playing this game many hours just to get beaten, and re-play it again... on bed.

  5. #5215

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Title: Beloved gun Josephine

    Corn Cockle: Aaah... Josephine, you're sparkling beautifully today as well...
    Adenium: You've named your weapon I see
    Corn Cockle: Yes! It is a friend that fights along with me after all! How about trying to name yours as well, Adenium?
    Adenium: No... It's not needed. For me it's simply a tool for defeating pests.
    Corn Cockle: I see...
    Adenium: <Catherine...>
    Adenium: <No, how about Marianne...>

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #5216

    Join Date
    May 2016
    So I´ve been reading through the rules for Promotion (rarity growth) for girls and one things peeked my interest.

    Its the line:
    Rarity grown characters can only get their skill levels and equipment slots increased by using 6* skill/equipment flowers. You will no longer be able to get the benefits of synthesizing the rarity grown character with dupes, character-specific flowers, or characters with the same skill.

    This would imply that a DRESSBLOOM would have to be implemented in a more viable form than the "super rare, almost nonexistant" one that comes once per xyz in a 5K DMM Points Gacha. Maybe in similar fashion like Skillblooms.


    In the new exchange shop tab, that has the Super Ampys from the Nidhorog event.

    Now these are all just my assumptions, but lets entertain that thought for a moment > Seeing as that tab is still present, what if in the future some sort of farmable, maybe time limited, maps will be introduced (something like WS which is accessible only during the second week of every event, but more rare, like once per month or something.), in order of obtaining those super ampys (coz even if you got all of them from Nidhorog event, it wasnt enough to max stats of even a singular girl).
    Now with the line above mentioning dressblooms, which are currently not purchasable in any regular way shape or form, other than the super rare DMM Point deals, what if - those dressblooms 5* and 6* would added to the Super Ampy tab ?
    We know there is a golden dressbloom, that has been added quite recently to the exchange shop and costs quite the huge amount of Life Crystals. Still its an option.
    Maybe in the future as the Super Ampy shop tab gets expanded, the farmable map gets introduced, we might see fairly limited, but not anymore super ultra rare 6* dressbloom in there.

    What do you think about this theory ?

  7. #5217

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    Nov 2016
    Honestly, I think mentioning the 6* dressbloom was only to explain the mechanic and not as a hint to anything that will come.
    If anywhere however, I think it would appear beside the golden dressblooms in the life crystal shop, which would force me to reevaluate my priorities.

    Being what they are, ancient ampies will surely return as an exchange prize - I agree it only makes since since you can't max an anyone out with the currently available amount.
    Will there be a farmable way of obtaining them? I think it makes sense for it to appear, however I can't see that happening anytime soon - the item is too fresh.
    I haven't translated the plot of the battle with Nidhoggr for myself yet, so I can't say if they had any plot device behind them or if Nidhoggr was defeated once and for all, but I guess I can see similar events in the future with another giant ancient pest as the main focus.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #5218
    Unregistered Guest
    Dear Wutan, in your thread Pimp your Waifu (Rarity Growth) plz add that Adenium gains lifesteal on skill after rarity grow as it's very important buff.

  9. #5219

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Man, I hardly have time to come here, not to mention 3 days straight with influenza. (Better now but still have running nose)

    Onci-bride looks cute with new bloom, and I still don't purchased pick your waifu deal yet. Should I go with her or Snow drop then...?
    Whaleship 26... Let's see if I can push this one through or not.

    Gonna skip dressbloom deal for sure though, my pocket screams as is now.
    Last edited by game2534; 04-09-2018 at 02:44 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  10. #5220

    Join Date
    Jan 2016
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    Bonci finally got her bloom form, it looks great, but I just used pick your waifu ticket it will be a while until another one.

    Signature done by Myrdin

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