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  1. #5651
    If we are talking about favorite event girls - my favorites are Canna, Threasure flower and Fullmoon Mapple (from aestetical point of view, i'm using them all on Nutaku) and Mountain lilly/Dipladenia can be good too from power POW, but i don't have them yet. The new Rainbow Rose seems to be a little imbalanced after rarity up. And if we are talking about good blue counter girl - i like Snapdragon. I have her on Nutaku and i like her very much. She has counter+evasion+attack up (no supercounter, but it's common for counter+evasion), and even more - she is one of several bloomable 5* on nutaku so she can reveal her full potential there too.
    Kamihime ID: 4800544, wind (Hrae included)//frozen
    Nutaku FKG ID: 375715584
    DMM FKG ID :922767212
    DMM Kamihime:4201976 - Hrae, Kirin, Cerberus

  2. #5652

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
    I would buff Dendrobium's Selfbuff to 30-40% i think.

    Btw. guys did you notice that the devs always buff the Skillset only? I think they didn't change the stats of any girl so far.

    I still question some of there buff decisions.
    For example: They buffed Anemone through the roof. She is now a really really good Counter/Crit Hybrid.
    I mean 30 % Crit Chance and 40 % Crit Damage on top of her Counter Ability? That's insane.

    Same with Acacia. Her buff was also really n1. Maple got buffed twice and now she has one of the highest if not the highest Group Atk Buff in the whole game. Helenium also got buffed multiple times in a row (she will recive another buff in the near future).

    Then we have girls like Iono and BB which only got the standard Skill Damage boost. I don't know i am at that point where it bothers me to see the unoriginal "15 % Skill Damage to the whole group" on every other buffed Girl.

    I mean i dig the buffs my Waifu, Helenium etc. got but i feel like some girls were left behind a little bit in terms of buffing.

    At this point we can clearly see some form of power creep due to Rarity Growth (girls have more synergetic Skillsets, higher stats etc.) and if some girls won't get buffed more they could slip down to C-Tier.

    Dendrobium was strong enough to stay in A-Tier but for other girls it don't look so good.

    I am happy there is no PVP. Wouldn't be pleasant i imagine


    Silly Mofu
    Of course you are allowed to write about design etc. It shouldn't influence the final decision to much though. That's all


    Do you want to rate Rarity Promoted Rainbows as well?
    Ripped out of the Rating discussion as to not chitchat in there.

    Sure lets do Rarity girls as well, but not right now. I think we should cover at least 2/3 of the native 6* before we go on the promo girls, since there is a lot to cover and even if we go with 1 girl every 3 days, it will take us some time. And sometimes people dont have the time or energy to post, and we dont want the thread to be half empty


    I totally agree. There are some really amazing buffs for the girls, and then there are some meh.
    And then...there is my poor waifu Aizoon who got what... +5% on crit chance ? *Activate rage mode*

    I swear to god If she aint gonna get buffed soon, I will declare Exterminatus upon the Imperial world of Japan. The Emperor protects !

    Ok so lets break it down a bit with a little rant about her. For a moment she was up there sitting comfy in B rank but after few more content updates she quickly slipped from B tier to C tier, and at this rate will be C- soon. Due to her skillset she will nto dropt o D, but its still pretty bad considering where she started.

    The problem with Aizoon is her Damage Buff skills are fairly limited. One buffs her and 2 more people for 22%..... ok.
    Then she buffs the whole team for 22%... ok.
    That doesnt sound so bad. And it wouldnt be, if it werent for the insane power creep we are witnessing lately.

    For this skillset to work it would have to be 22% for the whole team and then about 45 even 60% for herself.
    Alternatively, if she instead got +10/15% Crit Damage that would also be a great addition, as it would unlock few more combinations. Girls like Loquat who buff Crit Damage are a Must for crit teams, and if Aizoon had this skill, even if only 10-15% it would make her much more viable to Crit setups with different characters.
    Giving her the bland +15% skill damage is not exactly amazing, but its a weak sauce, but still useful general buff.
    Aizoon has only 4 Passive skills so adding one more is not a big deal. Although personally I would love to see her Damage Buff % upped. Either 22% for team and 45% for herself and 2 more. OR Rounded up to 30/35% on both.

    Soo thats the problem and solution laid out there. Now lets take a look at what sort of BUFF my dear Anime Waifu MK Scorpion chan is getting....

    Crit. chance from 20% > 25%
    .........yes +5% T_______T
    ....... Are you moffu kidding me ?! BRUH !

    Compared to Knights like Anemone who almost DOUBLED her crit Rate or Accaccia, this is painfully pitiful. Even more so when you consider the things I wrote above, she was in prime position of getting some love. Damage, Crit. damage, Skill damage, Anything !
    Instead they buff the least important thing in her repertoire.... Her Crit Activation chance. which was already solid at 20% (you are capped at 80% so you need only 4 girls with this and you are done) changing it to 25%.... This was absolutely uncalled for and unnecessary.
    Makes me wanna give her a chocolate and cuddle her for an evening or two, thats how badly the update treated her.

    Seeing as some of the girls are getting re-visited and buffed multiple times, it is my hope that someone out there points these issues out to the devs and she gets some proper care and loving. I like Anewaifu and all, but she was always a Counter girl. And now after the Buffs she outperforms a girl who was meant for Crits, in .... you guessed it > CRITS ! @#!$£*
    Last edited by Myrdin; 05-31-2018 at 06:01 AM.

  3. #5653

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    Yeah the 5% Critchance increase was really bad.

    To be honest i would give her the Crit Damage Ability. I wouldn't give her 40% due to the fact that she has a second Atk Boosting Ability.

    Current Aizoon:

    Increases Attack for 2 party members, oneself included, by 22%.
    Increases Attack for party members by 22%.
    Increases Critical Activation Rate for party members by 25%.
    Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members up to 1.2x based on each member's affection.

    How i would buff her:
    Increases Attack for 3 party members, oneself included, by 35%.
    Increases Attack for party members by 22%.
    Increases Critical Activation Rate for party members by 25%.
    Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members up to 1.2x based on each member's affection.
    Increases Critical Damage for party members by 25 %.

    The following girls are still waitin to get buffed:

    Aizoon is there,bud

    Lets hope she gets a good buff this time.

    Lol Cactus and Helenium will get buffed again. Since i want to purchase Cactus anyway (second Crit Team) more power to me i guess.

    Also i am happy they will finally buff Peony. She also falls short compared to Rarity Promoted Crit Girls.

    Last edited by Wutan; 05-31-2018 at 06:39 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #5654

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Well I hope there will be something nice for her. Crit damage would make the most sense and would work well with her kit.
    Extra damage on the attack buffs could also work, if its up to 35% on both, that would be a reasonable buff.

    Yop moe waifu chan is getting a LOT of Love. Helenium mofufu :3
    I mean, she IS already pretty damn strong counter girl (if you look her up. she has similar skills like Aizoon, but her Buff gives 40% to 2+her, and 20% to all, so its overall better), with guts and boss damage. Thats a very good combo to have. And they want to buff her even further. Not sure how much or what. I suppose her Boss damage will bet buffed (12>15% maybe even 20%). Honestly she is really good as far as I can tell, so I am unsure what is the Buff gonna be aimed at.
    But it makes me even happier that I got her last time. Waifu chan doesn't disappoint.

    Funny to see Soap Chan in there as well. Soap chan never felt really powerful per say, but she always pulled her weight. Like you know... the person who does a great job, but is generally quiet so no one even notices. But since I have her as well again, I am not gonna complain.
    That might be because her passive skills are all over the place and she doesnt excell at anything else but countering.
    I have a feeling her Self heal might get buffed to 50% chance to proc. instead o 30% but we`ll see.

    But I am happy for the other girls as well. Some of the really need the buffing (Hollyhock for example).

  5. #5655

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Wait, Sabouten gonna get buffed more? I think she's god of destruction already with such high chance (48%) to punch million holes in pest and not to mention 60% act again.

    Edit: Raid boss event suddenly made me realized how far I have come after 1 year and a bit more. Back then all 4 team can barely dent past 1m and most of the time even lesser. And now...
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-rbsolo.jpg

    They are such a great girl, even this boss is just mid-class, the fact that they still solo from full HP to nothing is still here.
    Last edited by game2534; 05-31-2018 at 09:35 AM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  6. #5656

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Nooo fuck you Gacha, this is not the 5* I wanted !

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-untitled.jpg

    I absolutely NEED the other (Blue) one ! for my counter team, because that allows me to go with a different setup. GRRRR.

    I am at literall 0 FG, shit.

  7. #5657

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    You will have 25 FG with the current campaign + 2FG/days during some days + 8 FG from 2nd event phase + maybe free FG after maintenance + FG if they release new nation battles + emergency FG from raising affection.
    I'm sure you can do it! May the Mofu be with you!

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  8. #5658

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I am pretty sure Treasure Flower just broke my record for the best exploration.

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  9. #5659

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Nooo fuck you Gacha, this is not the 5* I wanted !

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-untitled.jpg

    I absolutely NEED the other (Blue) one ! for my counter team, because that allows me to go with a different setup. GRRRR.

    I am at literall 0 FG, shit.
    Pray to RNGesus! Offer your soul and life to him! Burn the FG as sacrifice! You can do it my friend!

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  10. #5660

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Meanwhile in the 4 Panel thread poor little Leo chan is crying her eyes out

    Thanks for the hard work as always Volarmis sensei fu ! ~ :3

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