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  1. #561

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    I wonder which Gold to pick from the 5* ticket as well.

    I plan my final Team for the future. After i have collected my Top 20 i'll stop whaling.

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-future.png

    Squad 1: I miss Fritillaria and Daisy there. I will purchase them. It's a Skill Activation Squad. Only Girl without Bloomed Form is Maple imo.
    Squad 2: Complete. It's similar to Squad 1.
    Squad 3: I was lucky. I have got Christmas Stewartia from my Danchou Ticket. I need two more Skill Activation Girls there to boost Stewartia's Skill Chance cause a high Skill Activation goes well with her "Double Strike" Ability.
    Squad 4: Debuff Squad. I will purchase Foxy Girl (i could purchase Cherry instead but nah Fox Girl has amazing artwork, Skillz and animations )
    So i will need two more Debuff Girls.

    I don't know if i should go for a good Debuff Girl or another Skill Activation Girl

    Is there a Atk Debuff/Skill Activation Gacha in the near future?

    If the answer is no i guess i have to go with a Debuff Girl considering i have only two of them atm.

    Any Suggestions?

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #562

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  3. #563

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Which "pick your 5* girl" ticket are you talking about ? :O
    We will get a "Choose your 5* ticket" as a present (last step of the current 2 Year Anniversary Campaign).

    DMM rocks

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  4. #564

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    May 2016
    Pick a 5* is a very easy pick for me.
    Has to be Lady's Sorrel.

    Really really cute girl, hit type which I really need, aoe skill for 2,4x damage, skill activation and +10% attack to all.

    IGN: Rupturez
    ID: 618437322

    DMM Server.

  5. #565

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    May 2016
    I am lacking a good reliable pierce girl - the re-issue has one, and this event has one, plus I pulled one from the Azoon pull, however - 2 of these are single target attackers, and I am guessing the gunner girl from re-issue is the same.

    Any good recommendation for a pierce AOE girl ?
    (ideally post a link with your recommendation, since as you all know I tend to forget the names of the girls quite a lot )

    Otherwise I suppose I´ll take the masked onmyoji girl :3

  6. #566

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    I am lacking a good reliable pierce girl - the re-issue has one, and this event has one, plus I pulled one from the Azoon pull, however - 2 of these are single target attackers, and I am guessing the gunner girl from re-issue is the same.

    Any good recommendation for a pierce AOE girl ?
    (ideally post a link with your recommendation, since as you all know I tend to forget the names of the girls quite a lot )

    Otherwise I suppose I´ll take the masked onmyoji girl :3
    Anemone 5* bro, definitely.


    She is cute, aoe attack 1.7x to all enemies, skill up 1.2x and 10% attack to all. She was one of my first girls and she is great.

    Cant say no to this:
    IGN: Rupturez
    ID: 618437322

    DMM Server.

  7. #567

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roentgen View Post
    Dude, Green Bell for debuff! I'm giving her a long, hard look myself though. (no, not that kind of look... b-b-baka)

    You can probably go with any bloomable girl. Old school like Toad Lily or vanilla (pun intended) Chocolate Cosmos, or new school like Laurentia perhaps? Of nonbloomable ones, Japanese Iris, Pitahaya, or Miko Anemone above.

    If you're a fan of "random strike" skills, Kale and Lily come to mind. Both go with skill activation up at least, so they should be good as well.
    Thanks Roentgen

    It's a little bit odd that there are no Debuff Girls with a Bloomed Form besides Cherry.

    Yep i think i will go with Green Bell

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #568
    I am thinking of getting Thoroughwort, she doesnt have bloom form but her ability looks awesome. Look>utility.
    IGN: Dorei sama
    ID: 3793935
    FKG ID: 647602170

  9. #569

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roentgen View Post
    You forgot Acacia, who just got hers at the start of the year.

    By the way, bear in mind that the 5* seal stone is said to have no expiration date.
    Oh that's good to know.

    I'll wait until i really need a specific unit in this case.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  10. #570
    So...basically girls with ability( debuff / skill activation) better than girls with high stat ?
    IGN: Vise
    ID: 905845106 (DMM)
    FL : 90/103

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