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  1. #5881

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    I found 1000 FG in my gift box. I almost had an heart attack. And then, I remember that it only worth 10 old FG.
    I don't know why but there is a lot of compensation right now. That's cool.
    We also got dupe personnal skill/dress bloom for the previous event girl. I really wonder what they're trying to do with that.
    Maybe to give players gold dupe in case you already RG the girl?

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  2. #5882

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Eab1990 View Post
    Finally, rarity upgrade Strawberry.

    Very happy to see that. Finally giving the lowest tier girls some love.

    For those interested in her abilities the Wiki states:

    Strawberry (Ichigo Kuro.....*slap*.... right Ichigo chan ! just Ichigo chan)

    Dmg Buff: Atk +30% for 5.
    Debuff: Atk -15% for 5 enemies.
    Dmg Buff for the next turn: Atk +30 at Turn End for 5.
    Skill activation: Skill Rate +1.2x for 5 as per Aff.

    Not the most overwhelming Promotion, but I suppose she makes for a decent Pierce Debuff girl. Her damage buff is also higher than usual 20/22% and skill activation is always nice.

    Current state of low tier RG:

    3x Iron tier girls (Purple Pansy, Ichigo, Cyclamen)
    3x Bronze tier girls (Alstroemeria, Moth Orchid and Blue Lotus)
    4x Silver tier girls (Canola, St. Paulia, Hinoki, Bianca Tulip)
    Last edited by Myrdin; 06-25-2018 at 07:00 AM.

  3. #5883

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    game> That's a possibility. I didn't thought like this. Thanks =)

    Actually, Straw Flower is really good. Skill depending on pest number, Skill act, +15% damages and Solar Altar. Best girl with this kind of ability. Now I need her. But I should found a bit more FG before. Or pray for a 5* stone soon.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #5884

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Got home logged in, checked the new girls.

    I must say I was instantly charmed by the 6*. Her face is very cute+pretty, but for me its mostly the expression and the eyes. Oh boy those eyes. Sweet as honey and deep as a well.
    The others are also pretty cute as well. Overall nice girls this event.
    Much mofufu.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 06-25-2018 at 09:03 AM.

  5. #5885

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    Just out of curiosity

    What is your favourite and least favourite type of Event,guys?


    Sapling Raising:
    Yep that's right. The little fairies are adorable and you also get them for your Garden. Also we get a special "Nae Manyu" here which allows us to raise the level of a girl from 1 to 80. Really usefull.

    Card Flip Event: It's actually really easy to cherry pick the good prieces and leave the rest behind. Gives you enough freedom to run other maps and do whatever you want. Also that kind of Event usually has a lot of Ampules as prieces.

    Events i don't like much:

    Gacha Event:
    If you are unlucky you sometimes have to clear the entire box even if you just want one specific item. Also you rarely can run any other maps during this event. Extremely Stamina intensive.

    Swan Boat Race: Yeah i don't like those. It's annoying for me that we constantly have to relearn the "betting pattern" of new girls.
    Also you have to run those maps a considerable amount of time cause every day is a race and you want to bet there. Also there is still an "uncertainty factor" there cause i sometimes doubt the bets i made.
    Last edited by Wutan; 06-25-2018 at 09:53 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #5886

    Join Date
    May 2016
    It goes without that my favorite is .... NAE CHAN ! :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3

    The amount of Mofus is over 9 thousaaaaaaaaand !

    The most practical ones are the card flip and gacha events, since you get lots and lots of good items.

    I like pretty much all of these. Heck I dont like Nidhorog kun part of Nae chan event, coz he has been kicking my ass so far.
    But its still practical coz you can get the super Ampys from it so its not like I "dont like it" per say, more like "ehh gonna get my ass served to me again".

    The only event I really dont like is the bloody swan boat. What a hassle, stupid event. Ugh.
    The rally thing is similar, to much of a hassle and I dont particularly enjoy it.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 06-26-2018 at 12:18 AM.

  7. #5887

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    Nov 2016
    Like usual, I don't really have apparent likes-dislikes. I usually run the event maps enough to cover the daily missions (unless I've already cleared the shop or it is a raid boss event) so the effort is comparable.
    I do need to say that I actually like the swanboat event - mainly because it has the elements of a logical puzzle, which I am fond of.
    Though that may be also because I know the language enough to read what the girls are predicting.

    By the way, from what I'm reading us getting dupe event girls is connected to some sort of bug.
    On my copy of Jumpseed in the box I have the description: "Compensation for the affection level bug on Jumpseed".
    I guess we'll need to look into the patch notes to see more.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 06-25-2018 at 09:52 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #5888

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    Favorite event:

    Nidhogg event (even if it's not a true kind of event but more a side event)
    Even if it's hard and I can't kill most of the bosses, I like it. Especially phase 1. I really like that feeling of world's end, the hardest fight against that giant pest of death to save the world. And I love that cooperation between every player to kill as much pests as possible and reach the aims for bonus.
    I like second phase a bit less. Too hard for me and you need too much stamina to do the event maps and the Nidhogg maps. But you can buy super ampies.

    Raid boss event
    I like them because it gives you a great but easy challenge with thoses raid bosses. It's very easy to complete. You just need to hit the strongests bosses with a poor 2* and profits of insane damages of other players.
    And all this stamina allows youto do other stuff like Whaleship.

    Tresure Rally
    It's not the best event in term of gift or challenge but it's the funiest to do. It's a bit rare but I enjoy playing this little game and trying to make the bests combos.

    Dislike event
    I don't hate any kind of event on DMM (But I hate some of them on Nutaku for various reasons). So, the event i like the less...

    Card Flip event
    I like this kind of event because it gives you a lot of free stuff. But you need too much farm to get ALL the stuff. And I like to get as much stuff as I can.

    Swan Boat event
    That's not a bad event but I can't read japanese, I don't know how it works exaclty and I just folow the bets of other players. It give you not that much thing but more rares items like saltickets. Aside that, it's not a very exciting event. You just need to farm the event maps and bet once per day.

    If we speak about Nutaku side, I hate Card Flip and Gacha because it gives you TOO much stuff. I don't have enough space to store all the manyu/ampies/forge spirits and all these things. Now with the 200 free slots storage for manyu and more convenient gift box it's a bit less horrible but... it take for ever to do all that stuff.
    Plus, event gacha comes with the bonus summonable stages and you must run them one by one. Card Flip are hard too 'cause I never get enough currency to get all the stuff and i need to turn each cards one by one with the wiki.

    Special Mentions
    Nae Raising:
    I loved the first Nae Raising event. Because it was something totally new and I liked all the vibes of the whole event. I liked the second a bit less because it's... the second. The first one was very awesome and unique and I didn't found that feeling again after. That's why it's not in the favorite list.

    Thanks Volarmis for the explanation. I don't know what bug it is but... okay. Free event girl is always a good thing.
    Last edited by maotd; 06-25-2018 at 10:50 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #5889

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Ok, after a bit of snooping around I read that there were two problems recently - sometimes the number of items received from the inbox didn't add up correctly and some people got Jumpseed with 0% affection instead of 99%.
    The compensation for the second problem was the re-send of the 99% affection girl for those who got 0%, and also the reverse, just so that everyone will fairly have a duplicate.
    I've noticed no explanation for why we're getting both this time as the reward for clearing the first mission, other than the info that it was planned.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #5890
    Thanks Volarmis sensei; nice to have dupes, no complains here. Event girls are pretty decent. Maybe I still don't roll this week...but seriously I need to spend my FGs soon, while you can't ever have too much, my hoarding is getting outta hand lol. Almost at 1.9k (using the "old" counting system) gems. What's arguably worse is that I dunno who to get. I have no target, ugh.

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-yamabuki-op2.jpg

    In other news, Kerria heals for 100k+. Yeah no big deal, just another day here...Can't remember what boss this was, obviously it had ridiciously low DEF LOL

    DMM ID: 838832909

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