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  1. #6081

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    I used my Naeticket and I got the blue Nae. Now, I'm waiting for the next Sapling raising to fulfil my Nae family.

    The 720 medals (if we speak about the same medals) are Rose Medals usually earned during Nidhogg phase 2. It's very welcome and more precious than Aqua Shadows or Whaleship medals.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  2. #6082

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    Well Salt Pact looks weaker and weaker...Why can't we get at least one Rainbow during Salt Pacts???
    I don't understand it

    People draw 6* outside of Salt Pact from Salty Tickets.

    GZ @ Caitlenren
    Awesome Draw

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  3. #6083

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Gratz on a pretty good 6* !
    Lucky you and your "salt tickets no longer"

    Also... I didnt get a Naechan ticket.... this mofufu s heart is beying systematically broken part by part by this game -____-

  4. #6084
    Caitlenren: Awesome super gratz! Never got a rainbow from tickets before, must be nice xD

    I really love Creeping Jenny's new artwork:
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-uqe.jpg

    Really like her shoes and legs. On the main game page, her picture only shows upper half of body (no show of legs )

    Would really hope they can implement something to show full art at main game page (even if it's smaller image).

    Eit: Myrdin: SRSLY? Maybe restart the game or something? Pretty sure rewards are universal...check your shop exchange tickets page...?
    Last edited by Ghostmon; 07-17-2018 at 02:26 PM.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  5. #6085

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    Hello new day, gratz new rainbow Caitlenren.

    And I never done any pact since the begining, so... yeah...

    ps. Seem they fix the issue, now the game is smooth.
    Fast as always.

  6. #6086

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    Sheesh, I overslept a bit, but what else can I do on a stormy night last night?

    First thing's first, my present box just exploded. 4000 compensation flower stones! Much needed after that rainbow spree a few days ago.

    I was going through @flower_staff's tweets, and I noted how Japanese tweeps were generally concerned for the devs' well-being, responding in the lines of "Please don't overwork yourself" and "Please do get some rest" even though their game was pretty much unplayable after maintenance. No apparent uproar whatsoever.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
    Btw. i beat the newest EX-Aqua Shadow Map. It was rather easy.
    Officer, take this man!

    GZ. No surprise coming from our forum's Allocer. "Rather easy" is an understatement for you though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    If I'm not mistaken, it's a compensation for some error connected to the previous Nae event.
    You can probably exchange those tickets for a garden Nae and a synthesis Nae.
    It actually involved the first Naae event (Event 75, "Flowers to the Wilderness") which was late last year, and not the last one (Event 84). Expounding on this, some people received a Red Naae with zero experience while others who played the said event didn't get the associated garden object.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
    I really love Creeping Jenny's new artwork:
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-uqe.jpg
    +1 for the nice armpit.
    Follow Raine on Twitter: @Raineverse
    Raine on YouTube

  7. #6087

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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
    Btw. i beat the newest EX-Aqua Shadow Map. It was rather easy. Stupid Connection Hiccups are harder to deal with
    Really? I cleared it but it's really annoying that they can hit everyone. Nothing Saffron couldn't handle though.
    Oh and don't forget to clear all these broken AS stages 25 times (or more?) each for awesome rewards too everyone.

    About fan's good response, I guess they want more compensation so they don't mind maintenance dragged on, me included. /jk
    But seriously, professional attitude. great compensation after each errors and very generous freebies regularly might be a reason.
    Last edited by game2534; 07-17-2018 at 06:40 PM.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  8. #6088
    Well I took the suggestions on the Tactica thread to heart with deep consideration. In the end I could not see any other current options that did not make the teams more effective than what was proposed. Also appreciate the fact the a majority of them took into consideration my tastes.

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-currentteams.png

    So I haven't been able to beat the 3rd phase of Nidhogg yet. I've gotten to the 3rd phase and then get whooped. Let's see how this new set up goes.

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-daaaaaaaayuuuum-.jpg

    Wow... My 4th team didn't even have to try in the end...…….
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  9. #6089

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    I'm sure they nerf Nidhogg.
    I use same setup as last time, but I can clear both Nidhogg stager in only one try.
    I think the First Nidhogg appear in Feb is the real one so it's very powerful.
    Next Nidhogg we kill must be it clone.
    a.k.a. dev want more people enjoy kill it.

    Also job done for the new broken water-boss.

    My comment for this time broken water boss is...
    Devs want to increase popularity for Kirin and Protia.
    But they don't know what to do so they lets those 2 show-off they skill a lot with re-act ability.
    Result... I tired of them.... both of them can stay in the pot forever.

  10. #6090

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    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurenai View Post

    GZ. No surprise coming from our forum's Allocer. "Rather easy" is an understatement for you though.

    It actually involved the first Naae event (Event 75, "Flowers to the Wilderness") which was late last year, and not the last one (Event 84). Expounding on this, some people received a Red Naae with zero experience while others who played the said event didn't get the associated garden object.

    I think after your last batch you have no right to be calling him that anymore. :P
    What you had was the most consistent luck streak in the shortest amount of time anyone ever had on this forum.
    Unbga bunga .... I am tempted to bring out the pitchforks and torches

    *So if we cleared the first Nae event we didnt get it ?
    Here I was hoping to get 3rd Nae for my garden >__>

    Yeah the JP community is really supportive. But thats how a good businesses is done. The devs care for the community, the community cares for the devs. Some more "scummier" businesses should take note of this >__> looking at you know who <__<


    Personally I was a fan of Jenny since I saw her. I really like the color scheme, and I mean I REALLY like the color scheme. While its not a scheme I would use when painting my miniatures, it does look really good in this setting. The design and theme also fit together very nicely with it, so overall its a big thumbsup to the artist!


    Looking at Ninjax... damn all of you re rocking full 6* teams already ?
    Shows how little luck I`ve been having with the gacha (still much more when compared to Nutaku, but then again its a numbers game. Throw plenty of FGems at the player and eventually something good will come out of it.).

    Anyway gratz on completely murderificating that poor sob
    I have yet to go and try, but seeing as neither Helenium nor Mei are fully operational (Helenium is bloomed L29, with basic ampy maxed up. I was waiting to finish lvling her up with the super ampies. Mei is just evolved and not even fully ampied.) While bunch of the girls I have got slight boosts (...oh no! He said the word, get down!) here and there I have my doubts whether it will be enough to kill the giant Demoworm.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 07-18-2018 at 12:43 AM.

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