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  1. #6421

    Join Date
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    It's tomorrow.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #6422

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    new event's up. New girls are slightly better looking this time.

    They increased the default capacity of knights from 50 to 300, thats pretty legit.

    Zebrina's rarity growth is a very good single 5.4 damage knight.
    Last edited by smr; 09-18-2018 at 03:20 AM.

  3. #6423

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    It seems we're not getting refund on gems used on increasing knight capacity, nor extra slots on top of new base.


    Signature done by Myrdin

  4. #6424

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Oh Wooow ....

    Wallnut is a super legit Crit Girl.

    15% Crit, 50%! Crit dmg and extra 15% Skill dmg. And a skill act... top Ability synergy. Plus she is a blunt type. Has pretty good stats, and one of the better more universal Ultimates in the game

    Here I thought I will buy Shiro or Pigmy chan with my RC Medals, but I just might go with this girl instead, and get either of them later down the line, unless Lady Lucks throw one of them my way before that.

  5. #6425

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    New event, Alcohol event. Okay.
    The new girls are nice. Not really awesome but okay.
    Barley is really interesting as gold. Her bloomed form gives her +10% ATK, Skill Act and +40% ATK after two turns. That's a LOT of ATK for a gold.
    Gourd is not good, not bad. Just average.
    The new 6* Walnut seems to be the new must have for Crit Team but... i don't like her at all. Really good in battle but I don't like her design. And she is too loli, even for me.
    Zebrina is actually really cool and really solid for an event girl. Maybe one of the best event girls. +40% ATK on bosses and x1.35 skill rate turn one with single target damage is very good. Her promoted form is interesting too but less good than her bloomed form (I mean, she is good but not that much compared to other 6* unless her 5* form compared to other event 5*).

    The new limit of 300 girl is really nice. But if we don't get our FG back it will be painful. That's a lot of FG gone for ever

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #6426
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    The new limit of 300 girl is really nice. But if we don't get our FG back it will be painful. That's a lot of FG gone for ever
    Yeah, that really is uncharacteristic of DMM FKG Devs if it holds true. Because lately, outside of a few instances, there haven't been many occasions where they give out many FGs like they used to. Does anyone know if the Japanese player base is raising a big stink about this too?
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  7. #6427

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    from what I've seen so far on summary blogs no one cares about the lost amount of flower gems used to expand limits. I know I couldnt care less.

  8. #6428

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    Well considering the sheer amount of FGems we get handed at regular basis, while it sucks if they dont refund them, it doesnt really bother me to be honest. DMM has been so good to its players that small hiccups (if you can even call it that at all) like these fall short compared to the love we get from the devs.
    I am not saying it wouldn't be nice, just saying it doest really bother me.

    Also did a pull to try fish out something, and got the Innkeeper chan (the busty lady in medieval fantasy dress with bear mug). I must say I do like that design, as its atypical for FKG and as such quite refreshing.
    I dont really dig the design of 6* chan, but she is pretty much the second Loquat (might be better honestly, but you know what I mean with that if you have a crit team with Loquat in it.). I already talked about her a bit above so yeah. Great skill set.
    The last girl is .... eh, I dont particularly have anything to say about her. Design wise she doesnt really strike my fancy.
    The even girl looks dope as hell. Think Valkyrie but in green. Very very cool, and I like her design a lot! Her ultimate is a bit boring looking but that tends to be the trend for most event girls so... *shrugs*

  9. #6429

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    An OsaNazu x Shiro collab? That’s surprising.

    Also I rolled Gourd after seven bronze yolos. She’s a nanoda’er and calls you darling, so right off the bat, she reminds me of Daisy + Madonna Lily.

  10. #6430

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