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  1. #6451

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    Excuse me sir but it should be:
    :3 (pink mofufu)

    Anyway, thanks for summonig our expert.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  2. #6452

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    I really like the idea of building a team not based on any stats or synergies, but on a theme so I decided to chip in.

    I've found only one girl that matches your needs:
    Peach Blossom (June Bride) ハナモモ(ジューンブライド)

    If we discard the need for skill activation, there are 3 more, 2 being event girls:
    Moss Phlox シバザクラ
    False Hydrangea ギンバイソウ
    Bouvardia ブバルディア

    You can see the skill animation of non-event girls if you still have at least one of the 5* tickets we got with the mobile version release.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 09-22-2018 at 04:56 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #6453

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    I guess you're right. Peach Blossom looks great. I guess I finally found a girl to pick with my old 2016 stone. She wil be perfect.

    Event missions and common stuff are easy enough to allow this kind of fantasy. I think it's better to use fun teams or girls I really like here and keep the best girls for WhaleShip/Aquashadows/other hards maps instead of throw all my rainbows to go on the whole game and let all the non good enough girls under a huge pile of dust and spider webs.

    I already have a full rbbit team with Easter Primrose, Halloween Hare's Tail Grass, Easter Balloon Vine, Hare's Ear and Easter Helenium. Not awesome but really fun with 3 re-act girls.
    I'm still seaching ideas for other themed teams.

    I just realized, I guess I know why we got two copies of event girls now.
    The event gives you two, the reissue gives you one and the perma reissue gives you a 4th one. Now, if you 6*promote all of them and fuse them, you will be able to get a 6* event girl with all slots unlocked without 6* dressbloom. It's hard, really expensive and take an eternity but you can do it for your event waifu (or if you are a well known giant blue whale).
    Last edited by maotd; 09-23-2018 at 12:53 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #6454

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    So I decided to go for the perma ticket gacha after all.
    Picked up Pymgy chan, because mofus.
    Have enough RC to pick one more, but for now I will wait again for lady luck to show some favor. I would love to pick up Wallnut, but that can be done later down the line.
    So atm, Dusty Miller and Wallnut are the two I have on my radar.
    Since I decided to go full 4 crit team, I will slowly transform my counter team as well, with the intent to have 3 regular crit teams, and one that is loaded with 1st turn Crit buffs, since those tend to be massive, but only for the first turn (Things like Dusty Xmas, Accaccia, Corn cockle, etc).

    I was also considering to open up 1 space in each team (exception might be the 1st turn one), to add one Barrier girl.
    Now there is no second Barrier+Crit other than Kuko, so these girls would not benefit the damage output, but that Barrier skill is very very usefull and for a squishy team like a crit team, it can be the difference between surviving one turn to nuke the enemy into oblivion, or not.
    *Seems like I will be skipping on the whole Kerria hype train after all*

  5. #6455

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    Part 1 of 2

    Long weekend allowed me to rest and go over some topics I missed when I went AWOL, as I have almost always done. It was a heck of a backlog though... *sweat drops*

    Really long post...... eeek, please don't kill meee!

    Before anything else, I want to shed some light regarding Super Counter (link to discussion). Rather than quote-reply to each post, I consolidated my response.

    Super Counter indeed requires simultaneous triggering of Counter and Defend for its activation, and yes, it must also be explicitly stated in a unit's counter ability, which I feel is more important. Otherwise, counter units that don't meet the latter condition won't be able to SC no matter how often Counter and Defend proc together. My bloomed Saffron (the best example) cannot SC even though she has 100% Counter and a relatively high chance of Defend owing to her high def stat + Defense Up ability. I would argue though that SC isn't a true standalone ability ("accessory" might be a better word) as opposed to standard Counter, similar to how Guts/Resist only comes with the Defense Up ability.

    For a short background: When Super Counter came into play last year, it was only given to some counter units, particularly the ones which lacked evasion, and it has been consistently maintained in subsequent character buffs or promotions. Eligible characters at the time included the following:
    • 6: Anemone, Soapwort, Ghost Weed, Viola (Yukata), Helenium, Mistletoe, Apple (Tanabata), Red Ginger
    • 5: Poppy, Rose, Devil in a Bush, Barrenwort, Rosy Lily, Cowslip, Echeveria, Sweet William Catchfly, Mikan, Ranunculus, Gaillardia, Mountain Lily

    Of the 60 known counter units, only 12 are bound to gain counter + evasion in their current available final state, whether bloomed (B) or rarity-promoted (RP)...
    • Baikamo (B)
    • Camellia (RP)
    • Cone Flower (B)
    • Green Bristlegrass (B)
    • Lion's Ear (B)
    • Nightmaher (B)
    • Ping Pong Mum (B)
    • Rhodanthe (B)
    • Saffron (B)
    • Snapdragon (B)
    • Tatarian Aster (B)
    • Water Dropwort (B)

    ...but what's key here is that — for those who haven't realized it yetnone of them have Super Counter! That said, if Camellia's RP were any indication, her non-rainbow peers on that list will end up like her. On the other end of the spectrum, it is highly likely that projected abilities of SC-capable units (e.g. Miko Pink) will exclude evasion.

    As for the ones without SC or evasion, what they will become will be a toss-up for now.

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadwNinjaX View Post
    So out of curiosity, what have you all done with your spare event girls? I wouldn't be surprised if most focused on leveling up the 99% affection one. But what about the other 0%. Did you opt to keep them for future use or sell them? Mine are sitting where they are at as I am not what to do with them as of it. I'm not even sure still why the devs are doing this.
    For a while, I nonchalantly kept those copies, but after accidentally using Comet-chan's synthesis flowers on her clone (0% affection) instead of the original (affection maxed), much to my dismay — it was like past 3 a.m. when it happened — I opted to scrap clones after Rainbow Rose, as I always do with copies of reprint event characters. I sure as hell don't want to make that mistake again, even if a fairly recent update now allows one to view a character's detail overlay from the gift screen by long-clicking on her icon.

    I figured I like Rainbow Rose very much that I have both copies fully-specced (thanks to an extra set of synthesis flowers that were sent with the 0% affection clone). Promoting her (the original one) will be one of the things I plan to do on my special day very soon... boy am I excited!

    As to why we get them in 2s nowadays... http://flowerknight.wikia.com/wiki/F..._characters.3F

    Quote Originally Posted by ShadwNinjaX View Post
    Maybe I missed the memo, but what is going here with something about the salt tickets?

    Attachment 11123

    Attachment 11124
    It involves Premium Gacha Ticket Fragments (プレチケのかけら) as revealed in some minor notice a month ago.

     PCブラウザ版、Android(DMM Store)版との価格差への対応といたしまして、
    ・PCブラウザ版、Android(DMM Store)版では、各100 DMMポイントでのご利用となります。
    The Limited Step-Up Gacha and once-daily yen draws on iOS and Google Play versions have been priced at 120 yen/draw, in contrast to 100 points or yen/draw on the PC/DMM Store versions. To make up for that difference, each draw from those gachas on the iOS and Google Play versions will give 4 fragments as an added incentive. 20 such fragments can be exchanged for one good ol' Premium Gacha Ticket (a.k.a. the salt ticket we all love to hate). This can be done infinitely.

    ...buuut there doesn't seem to be anything (mission, quest, etc.) that rewards fragments on the PC version as of this time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Quote Originally Posted by skasio View Post
    It seems we're not getting refund on gems used on increasing knight capacity, nor extra slots on top of new base.
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    The new limit of 300 girl is really nice. But if we don't get our FG back it will be painful. That's a lot of FG gone for ever
    Quote Originally Posted by ShadwNinjaX View Post
    Yeah, that really is uncharacteristic of DMM FKG Devs if it holds true. Because lately, outside of a few instances, there haven't been many occasions where they give out many FGs like they used to. Does anyone know if the Japanese player base is raising a big stink about this too?

    "Have no fear!" *shuts down panic button*

    I wasn't worried in the slightest. In my close to 2 years of playing this JP version, I have yet to be disappointed in the devs themselves even if I kind of want to beat them up for missing out on buffing my waifu's ATK. After every adjustment, they made sure to compensate us, or inform us of their intention to do so via the patch notes (refer to snippet). Remember when stacking of synthesis materials made expansions obsolete? Or when the 6 remaining sets were unlocked along with the nation adjustment? In line with those changes, we were refunded. On a distantly related note, shortly after the Rainbow Medal introduction, people who had used their Leader Tickets (me included) retrospectively received compensation medals depending on how "unlucky" we were with our tickets (getting a 5 instead of a 6, that is). This year, we retrospectively received RP crystals based on how many gacha draws we did for a period of time, in anticipation of the rarity promotion system. YourGames isn't perfect, but it has generally made good decisions.

    The snippet of interest from the last patch:
    This stated that along with the increase in default character storage from 50 to 300, those who had spent flower stones to increase character storage will be reimbursed on 10/19 at daily reset time (0400 JST). Due to the long delay, 100 flower stones were sent at the time as an apology.

    I'm slightly miffed that this will be 2 weeks after my yearly age reminder (kek), but hey, at least there's something to expect.

    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    I just realized, I guess I know why we got two copies of event girls now.

    The event gives you two, the reissue gives you one and the perma reissue gives you a 4th one. Now, if you 6*promote all of them and fuse them, you will be able to get a 6* event girl with all slots unlocked without 6* dressbloom. It's hard, really expensive and take an eternity but you can do it for your event waifu (or if you are a well known giant blue whale).
    As clever as that sounds, that is impossible.

    For reference, this is a subsection of the 03/12/18 patch, where the mechanics of rarity promotion synthesis were outlined:
    After promoting, the only way to increase the character's skill level and equipment slots is with rainbow skill flowers and rainbow equipment flowers respectively.

    It cannot be done with a character's duplicate (even if you have promoted it just to be fed to the original), another character with the same skill (as in the case of 2~4 characters), or character-dedicated synthesis flowers (as in the case of event characters).

  6. #6456

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    Part 2 of 2

    Dumping a few more stuff I should have posted weeks ago. >___<

    "What the hell... there's a part 2?"
    "Oh, you mean this? You see, I just miss letting myself loose..."

    First off, I was quite pleased that the vanilla Higanbana finally got her much-needed stat buff! She literally had the worst overall power of any gacha rainbow.

    Level 80 + 200% affection
    No ampule boosts
    Peach 18,810 7,656 2,466 28,932
    Red Spider Lily 18,096 7,972 2,784 28,852
    Red Spider Lily
    20,012 8,034 2,896 30,942
    Who would have realized that once upon a time, there used to be a rainbow whose max stats would be worse than that of Peach, a gold unit at that? Well, not anymore!

    I was also glad to see Hellebore / Baikeisou on the wares!

    Definitely my favorite among Comiket girls (and code girls in general). I have had my sights on her for a while, and it was only a matter of when she would actually be up for grabs. I have yet to exchange for her, but I will... very soon.

    Smartphone campaign presents... how could I even forget about them?

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-5vagetl.png [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-1pldd72.png

    I freaking knew it... Colchicum is magic! Her animation teasers from @flower_staff pretty much gave that away. Well, she is still a welcome addition.

  7. #6457

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  8. #6458

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    Thanks for all the infos Kurenai.

    Myrdin> I wanted to post the exact same pict but you did it before me . Nice bunny mofu power anyway.
    Well, Ill post this mofu instead. Wheat is really cute. Maybe I did a mistake when I missed her reissue gacha.

    source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust....st_id=67764075

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #6459

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    maotd: Mofu power unite ! :3

    Kurenai: Pff you ever doubted me ? I declared Colchicum a magic type the moment we got to see her picture and a sneak peak of her skill moff moff ;3
    Its good to have one more magic type crit girl

    *Also whats with the drastic Avatar pic change ? Lula ?

    And yeah, well dont worry about Komugi. I tried for Walnut and got pure salt, not even a gold. Knowing you, you`ll pull her out randomly before you even know it. As for the daily log in pulls. its kinda pitiful all things considered. 30 pulls altogether and so far I got just 1 gold (dupe).

  10. #6460

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    I finally used my 2016 stone (well, we got another one in Whale Shop anyway) for Peach Blossom Bride.
    Now my Pure Pink team is ready! And my Bunny team too (it done for a while but I never posted it here before)

    Pink hairs+pink clothes+pink skill+flat loli chest.

    Peach Blossom Bride is really cute and loli.
    Last edited by maotd; 09-25-2018 at 03:00 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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