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  1. #6471

    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    UTC +8; somewhere far southwest of Japan
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    While waiting for FKG, I'll just leave this here.

    Nice set of tits...... I mean, girls. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    One more thing, GS EC pre-reg is officially underway.

    You can earn the following based on this tweet's number of retweets.
    Retweets Reward
    100 RT +100 sound crystals
    300 RT +200 sound crystals
    500 RT +300 sound crystals
    1,000 RT +400 sound crystals
    1,500 RT +500 sound crystals
    2,000 RT +750 sound crystals
    2,500 RT +1,000 sound crystals
    3,000 RT 4 楽団員「ドーラ・バルトーク」/ Orchestra Member Dora Bartók
    (named after Hungarian composer and pianist Béla Bartók)

    Pre-reg page: http://lp.symphony-ec.jp.
    Follow Raine on Twitter: @Raineverse
    Raine on YouTube

  2. #6472

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Now that is finally time for the game to re-launch... honestly, I am not really sure if I wanna start the game with a completely blank slate, after I was lucky enough to get some 4 Rainbows (or was it 3 ? I cant really remember, its been almost a year now). I was hoping they will give us back at least one of those, but seeing as instead we have this pre-game gacha rolling....eugh.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 10-01-2018 at 02:12 AM.

  3. #6473

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurenai View Post
    While waiting for FKG, I'll just leave this here.

    Nice set of tits...... I mean, girls. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    If these are the new event girls I might have to unfreeze my FG stack again.
    Both Cowslip and Spring Starflower have quite the unique characters, so I might roll the gacha a few times.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  4. #6474

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    The new event is up.
    Ummm... If I'm reading stuff correctly, they added a feature where we get the featured 6* guaranteed if we make 55 pulls.
    I will need to test it out.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #6475
    Unregistered Guest
    Guaranteed Cowslip after five batch pulls? It's tempting but I'm somewhat unimpressed with her abilities. The delayed attack & damage boosts go better with debuffs and longer battles while the damage negation is for shorter nuke & die battles.

  6. #6476

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Kurenai: About the GS - thats good to hear, . I am also a bit sceptical about these things, so I might be doubting it few times before I get any actual info, so thank you for laying those concerns of mine to rest.

    I had a question about what you wrote here:

    By drawing only the added character gacha 55x, you can earn the 6★ as a bonus. For this batch, it's Cowslip (Maid).
    - Drawing the once-daily (100 yen) added character gacha will count toward the 55x counter, but any draws outside of the added character gacha (bloom, reprint, etc.) won't.
    - At the conclusion of the added character gacha, the 55-draw counter will be reset.
    - You can still get rarity crystals and rainbow medals as warranted.

    So If you draw the gacha with 55X, this many times you get the 6* as a guaranteed bonus huh ?

    Well, granted.... the amount of FG to do 55x pulls and the sheer bad luck one would have to have to not get the 6* even once in those 55 pulls.... yeah thats some over the top stats right there.

    If the 55x thing stacked and crossed over from event to event (meaning since today when it was launched, until you draw this typ of 55x gacha, fifty five times, regardless of the event that is currently going on, you would get that current event 6*, that would be a nice long term goal.)
    If its bound to the actual event, like you have to pull THIS particular event gacha 55 times, and if the next event comes you have to pull that one 55 times. Yeh other than whales, its not doable. But if its any event gacha, that has the 55x symbol on it, then, just like the Rainbow Coins, this is something of a long term goal and a thing to strive to get. Even more so if you keep track of the number of pulls, should a gacha with a rainbow come that you really really like, you can count the pulls to reach 55 during that event to get her.
    Granted this is all me just drawing conclusions and thinking out loud.

    Do you have any more info regarding thix 55x pulls thing ? I know it just launched so the amount of information is limited at the moment, but maybe some crazy person went full whale and dropped thsoe 55x pulls to support or revert the theory.

  7. #6477
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Do you have any more info regarding thix 55x pulls thing ? I know it just launched so the amount of information is limited at the moment, but maybe some crazy person went full whale and dropped thsoe 55x pulls to support or revert the theory.
    It's 55 single pulls aka 5 batch pulls, not 55 batches. Erryone's getting their future must-have waifus at this rate.

  8. #6478

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Hmm thats a shame, so it doesnt transfer over.

    So 55x pulls per event... that means... 2750oo FGems is necessary.

    Well.... That aint gonna happen ever for me I suppose :P


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    It's 55 single pulls aka 5 batch pulls, not 55 batches. Erryone's getting their future must-have waifus at this rate.
    Ah wait so 55 single pulls. Meaning 5x 10+1 pulls and 5 single pulls correct ?

    Now thats pretty nice. Damn If I read this before rolling I would have saved those gems for a time when I nice crit girl comes around (why wasnt this a thing for Walnut CRY*CRY sad mofu :3)
    Last edited by Myrdin; 10-01-2018 at 05:51 AM.

  9. #6479

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
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    New event. A lot of awesome gacha stuff.
    All the new girls are nice. Not awesome in battle but still really nice. And all with big boobs. Some people will be happy here.
    I still don't know who is the new 6*promoted low rarity girl.

    And... yeah! As expected, new version of old girls. But no St Paulia . Why do you hate her FKG?

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  10. #6480

    Join Date
    May 2016
    So just out of curiosity what is the current rate for:
    Cash > DMM points > Flower Gems ?

    Considering this new mechanic, depending on how much FGems you get, it might be better/worse then going for a 5K DMM Ticket gacha, if the featured 6* is up to your liking.
    (Not counting the obvious benefit of getting equip slots unlocked, but thats mostly bigger spending territory).

    Still. DMM devs never sieze to amaze me. Right now there are so many ways to get a 6*, many of which are free, its really showing the love for the community.
    Wish I sat on my gem pile like a dragon, kinda envy those of you lads who have been abstaining from throwing them bones lately and have amased enough to buy your way to pretty much any of the future 6* you might wanna have :3
    Last edited by Myrdin; 10-01-2018 at 07:00 AM.

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